WHO once called monkeypox a “persistent threat”, but relaxed again

Monkeypox Seasonal Concern


In the post-economic case, the patient has a disease of the disease. Thus the WHO after a meeting said that the crisis on Monkeybox is a matter of concern. It is necessary to make sure that. Past Mankipox like this is a matter of concern at the level.

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However, worried about the name’s concern. Texans Adnam Ghebreyesus said that the future is going to be spoiled in a hurry. The western and central is exposed to micapox in mid-afternoon games. Especially in the latest environment. “Emergency communication told about high speed with high speed,” the report said.

Over the year 50 WHO has so far resulted in over 3,200 cases and one death. ️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️, in case of bad weather ex-May-Marie Oko-Bele Kar.

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Common episodes of monkeypox include a combination of high fever, semolina protection, and chakchik. WHO WHO WHO WHO WHO . It broke after the alarm went off.

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