WHO raises alarm over disease in flood-hit areas of Pakistan – Times of India

ISLAMABAD: The World Health Organization on Saturday warned of a “second disaster” in the wake of severe floods in the country. Pakistan This summer, the grassroots race as doctors and medical workers fight outbreaks of waterborne and other diseases.
Floodwaters began to recede in the worst-hit provinces this week, but many displaced – now living in tents and makeshift camps – are increasingly facing the risk of gastrointestinal infections, dengue fever and malaria, which are increasing. are. Dirty and stagnant water has become a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
The unprecedented monsoon rains since mid-June, which many experts link to climate change, and the subsequent floods have killed 1,545 people across Pakistan, inundated millions of acres and affected 33 million people. So far 552 children have died in the floods.
“I am deeply concerned about the prospect of a second disaster in Pakistan: this catastrophe followed by a wave of disease and death, linked to climate change, which has severely affected critical health systems, leaving millions vulnerable,” Director General of WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesussaid in a statement.
“The water supply is disrupted, forcing people to drink unsafe water,” he said. “But if we act quickly to protect health and deliver essential health services, we can significantly reduce the impact of this impending crisis.”
The WHO chief also said that nearly 2,000 health facilities in Pakistan have been completely or partially damaged and urged donors to continue to respond generously so that more lives can be saved.
Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif He left for New York on Saturday to attend the first fully in-person gathering of world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly since the coronavirus pandemic. Sharif will appeal for more help from the international community to deal with the disaster.
Before his departure, Sharif urged philanthropists and aid agencies to donate baby food for children along with blankets, clothes and other food items for the flood victims, saying they were eagerly waiting for aid.
south Sindh And southwestern Balochistan province has been the worst affected – hundreds of thousands now live in temporary homes in Sindh and officials say it will take months for the province to completely drain the waters.
According to the National Disaster Management Authority, nationwide floods have damaged 1.8 million homes, washed away roads and destroyed nearly 400 bridges.
Imran BalochThe head of a government district hospital in Jafrabad in Balochistan’s Dera Allah Yar district said that of the 300 people tested daily, around 70% are positive for malaria.
Baloch told The Associated Press that after malaria, typhoid fever and skin infections are most commonly seen in displaced people who live in unhygienic conditions for weeks.
pediatrician sultan mustafa He said he treated around 600 patients, mostly women and children, suffering from gastrointestinal infections, scabies, malaria or dengue at a field clinic set up by the Dua Foundation charity in the Jhudo area of ​​Sindh.
Khalid MushtaqLeading a team of doctors from the Alkhidmat Foundation and the Pakistan Islamic Medical Association, he said they were treating more than 2,000 patients a day and a month’s supply of water-purification tablets, soap and other items. are also providing.
On Friday, Abdullah Fadil, the UN Children’s Agency’s representative in Pakistan, said after visiting flood-hit areas of Sindh that an estimated 16 million children have been affected by the floods. He said that UNICEF is doing everything possible to support affected children and families and protect them from the current dangers of water-borne diseases.