WHO says even if you are fully vaccinated, continue to wear a mask

Amid a surge in COVID-19 cases across Europe, the World Health Organization (WHO) has urged the public to wear masks and maintain social distancing, regardless of vaccination status.

WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said there is a false sense of security that the pandemic is over and vaccinated is completely safe against the novel coronavirus.

The WHO chief said that Kovid vaccines save lives and reduce the risk of serious illness and death.

“Even if you have been vaccinated, take precautions to prevent yourself from getting infected and infecting anyone else who could die. That means wearing a mask, keeping a distance “Avoiding crowds and meeting others outside if you can, or in a well-ventilated place inside,” Tedros said.

“We are concerned about the false sense of security that vaccines have ended the #COVID19 pandemic. Vaccines save lives, but they do not completely prevent transmission. So please be careful and:

Wear a mask

Keep distance

Avoid overcrowding.

open the windows.

Clean hands,” tweeted Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

The Financial Times, citing sources, reported that the WHO is convening an emergency meeting today to discuss the potentially rapidly spreading COVID-19 strain in South Africa and Botswana.

Earlier, UK media reports said UK scientists had warned of the presence of a coronavirus strain in Botswana, which has 32 mutations.

Several mutations indicate its high transmissibility and resistance to vaccines, with the spike protein having more changes in the strain than all others. COVID-19 variantsRussian news agency reported. The South African National Institute of Infectious Diseases also later confirmed that the new strain had been found in South Africa.

Meanwhile, India has called for strict screening and testing of passengers coming from these countries. In a letter to states and union territories, Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan asked them to ensure that samples of passengers who come positive are immediately sent to designated genome sequencing laboratories. He said that the contacts of these international travelers should also be closely tracked and tested as per the guidelines of the Ministry of Health.

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