WHO South East Asia health, education ministers bat for health-promoting schools

New Delhi World Health Organization (WHO) health and education ministers of countries in the South-East Asia region, and heads of UN agencies committed on Tuesday to supporting health-promoting schools, and during public health emergencies He also supported keeping the schools running.

“The pandemic is a strong reminder of the importance of maintaining a strong education system that supports the interconnected objectives of education and health for all children and adolescents, under normal circumstances as well as during emergency situations like this pandemic,” Dr. Poonam Khetrapal Singh, Regional Director WHO South-East Asia, who convened a meeting of the heads of partner agencies UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF and WFP and the region’s health and education ministers on schools promoting health.

In a three-day inter-ministerial meeting that began today, health and education ministers from countries in the WHO South-East Asia region presented a ‘call to action’ to enhance the implementation of comprehensive school health programs that promote the health and wellbeing of children. ‘ Adopted. and teenagers.

As a prelude to the ministerial meeting, the regional leadership of UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP, WHO held a summit and deliberated on strengthening school health programs in the region and focused on education, school health, nutrition and education. ‘Welfare’ to collectively advocate for a healthier generation and provide cohesive joint technical assistance to countries.

The health-promoting school approach aims to advance the health, nutrition, mental health and overall well-being of school-age children and adolescents, teachers and other staff members. Since children and adolescents spend most of their formative years in schools, promoting healthy behaviors from early childhood through the school setting can help their immediate and later health in their adult lives, as well as the health of their families and wider communities. And welfare will benefit.

“The pandemic has exacerbated inequalities and is disproportionately affecting the region’s most marginalized and disadvantaged children. Children are learning less and many health and nutrition services once provided by schools have stopped. School closures and isolation have taken a serious toll on children’s mental health and are exposing them to exploitation and harm. “We must act urgently to get children back to school safely, while ensuring that learning continues uninterrupted for children everywhere,” said Jorge Laria-Adjei, UNICEF regional director for South Asia.

As the pandemic and prolonged school closures continue to have significant impacts on education, health and nutrition, Member States and partners have called for prioritizing the reopening of schools, where possible, and their safe operation and preparedness for future outbreaks. discussed.

Adequate public health and social measures should be ensured while reopening schools such as wearing of masks, physical distancing, provision of soap and running water to wash hands and use of open and well ventilated spaces. Measures should be taken to immediately control any outbreak in the school along with a long-term preparedness plan to deal with future emergencies.

Member States and partner agencies discussed measures to enhance cooperation among stakeholders, including health, education and other relevant ministries, local governments and adolescents, to ensure the implementation of health-promoting schools initiatives.

“For many of the millions of students in the Asia region receiving a school meal, it is often the most adequate and nutritious meal,” said John Ayleaf, WFP regional director for Asia and the Pacific. “WFP welcomes the renewed commitment. To provide our children with access to the nutrition they need to grow mentally and physically. We have an opportunity to strengthen our school systems so that no child will ever come back again. Don’t be forced to leave school because of hunger or illness.”

The initiative aims to provide an integrated school curriculum, including adolescent sexual and reproductive health, to continue nutrition and health services in schools, promote youth participation in schools to reopen and secure operations, and enhance health literacy and life skills. also supports the urgent need of

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