WHO ‘strongly recommends’ Pfizer’s COVID pill PaxLovid. Update 5

The World Health Organization (WHO) has supported the use of Pfizer’s PaxLovid for the treatment of COVID-19. WHO recommends Paxlovid for mild and moderate COVID-19 patients at highest risk of hospitalization, calling it by far the best therapeutic option for high-risk patients.

Pfizer’s PaxLovid to treat Covid-19: 5 Updates:

Pfizer’s oral antiviral medication (a combination of nirmatrelavir and ritonavir tablets) is strongly recommended for non-severe patients COVID-19 Those at highest risk of serious illness and hospitalization, such as unvaccinated, elderly, or immunocompromised patients.

The WHO is deeply concerned that – as with COVID-19 vaccines – low- and middle-income countries will again be pushed to the end of the queue for access to this treatment.

Pfizer has and continues to have deals to sell the treatment in several countries, but details about pricing remain largely confidential.

The original product, sold under the name Paxlovid, will be included in the WHO pre-qualification list, but according to WHO the generic product from quality-assured sources is not yet available.

The WHO, highlighting the lack of pricing, said that more than 30 generic drug manufacturers have also been allowed to manufacture cheaper versions of the drug to be sold in 95 countries, but these duplicate versions have to be produced from quality-assured sources. is not likely. Transparency could mean that low- and middle-income countries would be pushed to the end of the queue, as was the case with COVID vaccines.

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