Who’s waiting? Bird Flies Away Woman with Pizza; Leaves the Internet in Splits

The Internet is full of all kinds of things. Also, with the advent of social media, we just keep scrolling for hours and entertain ourselves with different types of content. It can be anything from stand-up comedy or simple pranks. Although the reach of some things may be limited, in no time specific videos become viral and attract the attention of many people. Recently, a similar video going viral on the internet has made many people laugh a lot. This time, it was a video of a bird flying in with a woman’s pizza! Yes, you read that right! The video was uploaded by Instagram user @hurtingsouls and has left the internet in splits.

(Also read: Who’s waiting? Overeating is not the primary cause of obesity – study shows,

In the video, first of all, the woman can be seen coming back to her table and looking at an empty open pizza box. In the background, he can also be heard saying, “Oh my god, who ate the pizza.” As she says it, she points the camera to the sky, and the bird can be seen flying with the pizza all over. At the end of the video, the woman starts laughing out loud. Since the video was shared on Instagram, it has been viewed 1.5 million times, and garnered 138K likes and hundreds of hilarious comments! Watch full video here.

Several users also shared their views in the comment section. Below are some of the responses; check them out:

“I know the bird crew will be very happy.”

“The worst part is they didn’t cut the pizza and it shows.”

“This happened to one of my sandwiches while sharing the beach with some birds! They were incredibly aggressive, swooping to grab while I was taking some water three feet away.”

“His laugh was clearly between a cry and a nervous laugh, you can hear it in his voice, Oh bird!”

“Brother had to take pizza stealing training.”

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