Who’s waiting? Madhya Pradesh farmer grows red ladyfinger in his garden

Bhindi is one of the most common food items that we find in local markets or grocery stores. While most of us usually prepare this vegetable for lunch or dinner, over the years, it has also become a comfort food that we love to eat. Traditionally known for its green color and sticky texture, a farmer has now come up with a new red colored variety in okra! Yes, you read that right. A red ladyfinger exists and is currently being grown by a farmer from Madhya Pradesh, Misrilal Rajput.

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While talking to ANI, the farmer highlighted the benefits of his ‘red ladyfinger’ and said that “The ladyfinger I grow is red in color instead of its usual green color. It is more beneficial and more beneficial than green ladyfinger. It is nutritious. It is extremely beneficial. For people who are facing heart and blood pressure problems, diabetes, high cholesterol,” he added.

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When Misrilal Rajput was asked about the cultivation process, he told ANI that “I had bought 1 kg of seeds from an agricultural research institute in Varanasi. I sowed them in the first week of July. In about 40 days, it started growing.” According to the farmer, no harmful insecticide has been used in the cultivation of this red ladyfinger.

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Since this red ladyfinger is unique in its kind, the farmer has kept its price high. He told ANI that, “This ladyfinger is 5-7 times more expensive than the common ladyfinger. In some malls it is being sold from Rs 75-80 to Rs 300-400 per 250 gm/500 gm. He also said that minimum 40-50 quintals and maximum 70-80 quintals can be cultivated on one acre of land.


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