Who’s waiting? McDonald’s breakfast costs Rs 2 lakh for the person traveling in the plane

There is no doubt that we all love fast food. Though it may not be one of the healthiest options, but it definitely makes us feel good. Don’t you agree? It is a quick meal and helps to satisfy our hunger pangs. And one such favorite fast-food item is the burger. Burgers are juicy, cheap, nutritious and oh-so delicious! However, have you ever thought that your favorite burger would cost you a thousand times more than the actual price? Recently, we came across a story in which a person traveling from Bali to Australia was fined Rs 2 lakh for carrying McDonald’s breakfast on a flight.

Read also: Man fined for eating McDonald’s food in Starbucks car parking

For those unaware, the Australian government has strict rules regarding biosafety. A limited variety of food items are allowed in the country during travel. As soon as he landed for this tourist, a biosecurity dog ​​sniffed and checked his bag. As soon as the dog found two eggs and sausage McMuffins and a ham croissant, the man was in trouble. According to a News Corp report, it was troublesome because the man did not announce his McDonald’s meal to airport officials and provided false documents.

Due to this a fine of Rs 2 lakh was imposed on that person. Reacting to the incident, Australia’s Agriculture Minister Murray Watts called it one of the most expensive McDonald’s meals ever. “This fine is twice the cost of airfare to Bali, but I have no sympathy for those who choose to disregard Australia’s strict biosecurity measures, and have recently learned that you will be caught. Australia FMD is free, and we want it to be that way,” Watt added.

“Travellers who choose to travel need to ensure that they are meeting the conditions for entering Australia by following all biosecurity measures,” he said.