Why a Newborn Baby Care Class Is a Great Way to Prepare for a Baby

Portrait of a couple with their newborn baby | Photo credit: Getty Images/iStockphoto

If you’re expecting a baby, or know someone who is, instead of showering them with flowers this Mother’s Day, give them the gift of a newborn baby care class. Everything from graduating from school/college to learning to drive a car requires a test, and it is surprising that there is no training of any kind for new parents to navigate the whirlwind of child care. is thrown in. “We place a lot of importance on birthing and lactation classes but nothing on newborn care,” says Ryan Mithun, founder of Littlest Love.

She describes how once new parents take the baby home, they are overwhelmed with what to do. “It is as if our security blanket has been pulled from under us. While babysitting is a skill you learn on the go, it’s even better to learn before baby arrives—when you’re calmer and more alert,” says Ryan, who writes about sleep science, safe sleep practices, how Dealing with Basic Illness covers topics such as, inter alia, her workshops.

As an expert on premature birth, Ryan explains the do’s and don’ts for premature parents. Low birth weight babies have less body fat, and since fat cells keep the body warm, the baby may feel cold and even turn blue during a bath. It’s called hypothermia, she says. Therefore, if a bath is given, it should be brief and only after reaching the 2 kg mark. “Make sure you’re up to date about your child’s vaccinations and retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) screening—an eye disease common in premature babies,” says Ryan. As far as don’ts are concerned, avoid overdressing/underdressing them and avoid public places and visitors as their immunity is low. “Put them to sleep on their back, not on their side or stomach.”

Ryan clarifies that it is a myth that preemies are always born with health problems. “They are at a higher risk for some health problems, and not all are born with health problems. Some premature babies are born without complications and develop normally,” she explains. Are. While many premature babies catch up to their peers by the time they reach school; Some may continue to face developmental challenges. “It is important for parents to closely monitor their child’s development and seek help if they notice any delays or concerns.”

A mother of two foes, Ryan has gotten her share of learnings along the way. “Not everything goes according to plan, you need to adapt fast and trust your maternal gut,” she says, adding that mothers are stronger and more resilient than we give them credit for. “Boundaries are important for the baby, the mother, and her mental health.” And finally, “asking for help doesn’t make us bad moms,” she concludes.

to book slotContact @littlestlove.rayanemithun on Instagram for virtual workshops on 11th and 12th May. ₹2,000 a session.


Top 5 Things to Learn/Do Before Birth

1. Safe sleep practices, sleep cues etc.

2. Car Seat Safety, Babywearing

3. Red Flags to Watch for

4. Maternal Health Benefits

5. Get a Support System in Place