Why are food labels important to a healthy diet?

Despite a growing addiction to junk food and a related rise in conditions such as diabetes and cardiac arrest, India is dragging its feet on regulating packaged and processed food. Will the soon-to-be draft regulation make any difference? Mint Search:

Do front-of-pack labels matter?

According to data from Euromonitor International, consumer spending on ultra-processed junk food and sweetened drinks increased more than six-fold between 2009 and 2019. People rarely read the nutritional information printed on the back of the pack when buying packaged food. They are difficult to understand and cloud alternatives. A packet of fruit juice, which is considered healthy, usually contains more sugar (up to 37 teaspoons in a liter) than a carbonated drink. Front-of-pack labels (FOPLs) can warn consumers about unhealthy levels of sugar, salt, and fat in highly processed foods. An effective FOPL arrangement can help the consumers.

What is the status of the labeling regulations?

India has been reluctant to curtail the sale of junk food and the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has been dragging its feet for over seven years to start FOPL. Even the uncontrolled promotion and marketing of junk food to children is taking place. But after several rounds of consultations with industry, consumer groups and nutrition experts over the past year, FSSAI is soon going to introduce a draft regulation for public consultation. This follows a study conducted by the Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad to assess the effectiveness of different types of labels and recommendations from FSSAI.

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junk food consumption

What type of label did the IIM study recommend?

The study recommended health star ratings, or HSR labels, on warning labels, such as Nutriscore and traffic lights, among others. But during a stakeholder meeting in February, consumer groups objected to HSR labels because instead of warning consumers they add a positive connotation to junk food, confusing shoppers. However, the food industry is happy to go with the HSR label.

Which is more effective, HSR or warning label?

On 4 April, the Nutrition Advocacy for the Public Interest, a think-tank consisting of independent experts, nutritionists and epidemiologists, wrote a letter to the health minister citing global evidence that leaned in favor of warning labels. Has happened. High-in-sugar or high-in-salt labels clearly inform consumers about a nutrient’s high levels of concern without going into quantitative details. They are also suited to India because of their use of colors and symbols that cross the barriers of literacy and language.

What is the evidence from India?

Experts say that FSSAI is pushing for HSR, ignoring recent evidence. A study by the International Institute of Population Sciences, Mumbai spanning six states (January-March 2022) found that warning labels were most effective in reducing the intention to buy unhealthy food. Another study from AIIMS, Rishikesh, (2022) reached a similar conclusion. Yet the FSSAI is taking it easy and slow, handing the food industry a long rope: FOPL norms will likely come into force in mid-2023, that too on a voluntary basis, and become mandatory by mid-2027.

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