Why are heart attacks becoming more common in ‘seemingly’ fit people? – times of India

When you hear the news of two popular faces who have taken their fitness very seriously, how do you react to the news of heart attacks in their 40s? The demise of Sidharth Shukla (40 years) and superstar Puneet Rajkumar (46 years) has made us question whether exercise is really the answer to living longer and being healthier.

Doctors warn that it is not a good idea to exercise, especially moderate to severe exercise, without knowing any underlying heart condition. Dr. Sanjay Mittal Director Clinical and Preventive Cardiology, Heart Institute, Medanta explains, “Every medicine is a poison if given at the wrong time and in the wrong dosage, so is the case with exercise. Certain exercises in a normal person can also increase the risk of certain abnormalities. It can also prove to be fatal at times. Therefore, it is important to evaluate yourself before doing heavy exercise. There are certain categories of people for whom exercising can trigger a heart attack. narrowing of the aortic valve, if there are anomalies of cardiac circulation, which means that the arteries of the heart arise from the wrong sinus; Electrical irregularities of the heart can predispose a person to a fall after exercising. It is better that you evaluate yourself before doing heavy exercise. Undiagnosed heart diseases are very serious.

More exercise and heart health: Signs to watch out for

Dr Mittal shares some signs that one should not ignore:

If a person feels dizzy or lightheaded while exercising, the first thing you should do is get yourself evaluated.

If you have high blood pressure (extremely high blood pressure), it is important to control your BP and then exercise

If you have a family history of a young person who collapsed suddenly without warning, you may be carrying a gene that predisposes you to collapse, so get an ECG

Get yourself evaluated if you have chest discomfort, shortness of breath

Performance-enhancing drugs can cause cardiac irregularities and lead to collapse and even heart attack.

Heart disease is no longer a disease of aging

Dr Rajesh Thatchthodial, Professor and Head, Department of Adult Cardiology, Amrita Hospitals, Kochi, says, “Earlier, heart attacks were known as a disease of aging and usually, people above 60 years of age suffer from it. Were. But in the last years this scenario is changing and now more and more young population is falling prey to it. It is also true that even though you may look very fit and healthy from outside, there may be diseases inside your body which you are completely unaware of. In OPD also we see around 200 young patients in a month with cardiac problems. There are many factors that lead to cardiac arrest or heart attack in the young population, the most prominent being stress that triggers issues such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, insomnia, poor eating habits and non-adherence to a healthy lifestyle. Before these work from home scenarios, most people traveled to their offices and visited a lot of places, and therefore body movement was active. After the pandemic hit, everyone’s active routine stopped and now it is the sedentary lifestyle that youngsters are adopting by sitting in front of the computer and then the TV throughout the day. Also, you need to be extra careful in your lifestyle when there is a history of heart diseases in your family. Exercising and maintaining a healthy diet to an extent is good, but beyond that, you need to be careful, rigorous exercise planning can be done only after a thorough cardiac test. The advice would be to get regular health check-ups to know what’s going on inside your body and let the experts make suggestions, rather than be your own boss.

regular checkups required

Incidentally, by the time symptoms of heart problems begin to appear, the disease is often already in an advanced stage. Dr Santosh Kumar Dora, Senior Cardiologist, Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai explains, “Extreme chest tightness or breathlessness indicates the possibility of a heart problem and then further tests are needed to establish the cause. Periodic screening tests are needed to detect problems at an early stage, so that appropriate treatment can be given before significant damage to the heart occurs. Common diagnostic tests are ECG, 2D echocardiogram, stress test, CT scan for coronary calcium. Cardiac screening tests are recommended once a year or once every 2 years after the age of 40 in the general population or after the age of 30 in the high-risk population.

Read more:
Lifestyle habits to keep heart healthy


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