Why BA (JMC) is better than any other BA course – Times of India

Bennett University’s Times School of Media trains students to create, write, and create content in the form of text stories, podcasts, video stories, infographics and photo essays Sunil Saxena
Do you know which is the best Bachelor of Arts (BA) program in India? The answer is BA (Journalism and Mass Communication).
And you know why? It is the only undergraduate program that prepares you for 12 potential careers in six different tracks. The program is designed to create professionals who can pick and choose from these exciting tracks and are not limited to just one.
The first track is journalism. If your dream is to become a journalist then you can do BA (JMC) course and become a digital journalist, television journalist or print journalist. The second track is of content writing. With the same skill set, you are also ready to become a content creator, and the need for content creators is increasing with every passing day. The third track is advertising. You can join an advertising agency after completing your BA (JMC) course. The fourth track is public relations. Every public relations firm needs digital PR professionals and there are not enough available. The fifth track takes you into the exciting term of digital marketing or social media marketing, another sunrise sector with more demand than supply. The film is the sixth track. It is now complemented by television serials, OTT platforms and streaming services. Film jobs have boomed with the establishment of professional film production houses producing films as well as television and web serials.
The list of opportunities goes on. You can’t forget the events. Now that the economy has opened up, and events are back, there is a need for BAJMC graduates to fill event management positions.
The best part is that these job opportunities become available to you only after you complete your BA (JMC) programme. Compare this with a BA degree in a standalone subject like English Literature, History, Sociology, Political Science etc and you will realize that you can graduate, but you still have a long time before any significant job opportunities are available. way is to be determined. you.
A BA (JMC) graduate has more industry-relevant skills than any other graduate. For example, Bennett University’s Times School of Media, founded by the Times Group, trains students to create content in the form of text stories, podcasts, video stories, infographics and photo essays. Students learn to write blogs, create newsletters, anchor television bulletins, create 360-degree advertising campaigns, and more.
To be able to do this, students are taught to work on eight different types of software/applications. These include Final Cut Pro for editing video footage, Canva for creating infographics, Audacity for creating podcasts and radio jingles, Filmorago and iMovies for editing video on mobile phones, Affinity Publisher for creating newspaper pages, Excel to Mine. data, Celtx to write film scripts and times of India‘s content management system To upload web content.
The Times Group has eight companies that have used their domain expertise to create this unique program. These include Times of India, Times Now, Radio Mirchi, Times Internet LimitedMediaWire, Junglee Pictures, MX Player and Zoom TV.
No other graduate program prepares a student for a career so much. Now the time has come that the students realized this and started looking at BA (JMC) not as another BA program but as a professional degree which opens doors to 12 exciting careers.
(The author is a professor at the Times School of Media, Bennett University)