why cough and cold last longer after infection; expert decode

Last Update: January 19, 2023, 13:57 IST

A doctor sheds light on what it’s like to have a post-viral cough and post-nasal drip in his Instagram video.

Doctors tell that the symptoms of cough and cold can last up to 18 days after the infection is cured.

January is the month of harsh winters and cold winds in most parts of India. The temperature is dropping to single digits, and sometimes even below zero. In such a situation, it is common to have viral fever, cold and cough. It seems that the people around us always have a runny nose or a sore throat. Infections are common during the winter season, but people often complain that these symptoms last for several days after recovery. A doctor sheds light on what it’s like to have a post-viral cough and post-nasal drip in his Instagram video.

The clip is captioned, “Why does a post-viral cough last longer?” The doctor has explained the reasons behind this in this video. He told that the symptoms of cough and cold can last up to 18 days after the infection is cured. No antibiotics are needed to cure cough and cold after infection and they go away on their own.

He further told that there are two causes of cough and cold after viral. Let’s have a look at them:

When you are infected with a virus, the nerves of the airways (also called the bronchial tree) as well as your immune system become sensitized by the initial infection. This sensitivity may take time to disappear. But as long as the sensitivity persists, even minor irritants such as dust mites or pollutants can trigger an immune response or nerves in our airways, causing a cough.

Nasal mucus production is also caused by the initial response to an infection to clear the virus. This mucus may also take time to go down. When you rest in a slouched position, this nasal drip irritates your airways and triggers coughing again.

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