Why do Gujarat and Maharashtra honour their respective states on May 1? Know in details

Image Source : SOCIAL Know why Maharashtra and Gujarat honour their respective states on May 1.

May 1 is celebrated as International Labour Day all over the world. The day also holds a special significance for two Indian states – Maharashtra and Gujarat. This day is observed as Maharashtra Day and Gujarat Day, respectively, to honour and celebrate the formation of these states. But why do these two states choose to celebrate their statehood on the same day? Is there a historical or cultural significance behind it? In this article, we will delve into the details of why Maharashtra and Gujarat honour their respective states on May 1st.

Maharashtra Day:

Maharashtra Day, also known as Maharashtra Diwas, commemorates the formation of the state of Maharashtra on May 1, 1960. The state was formed by merging several Marathi-speaking regions from the former Bombay State, including Bombay city, into one unified state. This day is celebrated with great enthusiasm and pride by the people of Maharashtra.

Historical Background:

The demand for a separate state for Marathi-speaking people dates back to the early 20th century when the Indian National Congress passed a resolution to create linguistic states. However, it was not until India’s independence in 1947 that this demand gained momentum. The Samyukta Maharashtra Samiti (United Maharashtra Committee) was formed in 1956 to advocate for a separate state for Marathi-speaking people.

In 1959, the government of India appointed a commission to reorganise states on linguistic lines. The commission recommended the creation of a separate Marathi-speaking state comprising Bombay city and other Marathi-speaking regions from the state of Bombay. Finally, on May 1, 1960, the state of Maharashtra came into existence.

Gujarat Day:

Gujarat Day, also known as Gujarat Gaurav Din, is observed on May 1st to mark the formation of the state of Gujarat in 1960. It is celebrated with great fervour by the people of Gujarat.

Historical Background:

The demand for a separate state for Gujarati-speaking people can be traced back to 1928 when the Mahagujarat Movement was launched. This movement gained momentum in the 1950s, and 1956, the government of India appointed a commission to reorganize states on linguistic lines.

The commission recommended the formation of a separate state for Gujarati-speaking people, comprising Gujarat and Saurashtra regions from the former Bombay State. On May 1, 1960, Gujarat was officially formed with Ahmedabad as its capital.

Why do Maharashtra and Gujarat celebrate their statehood on May 1st?

Many may wonder why these two states chose to observe their statehood on the same day. The reason behind this is rooted in history. As mentioned earlier, both states were formed on May 1st 1960 when India was undergoing state reorganisation based on linguistic lines. The government wanted to avoid any conflicts or controversies regarding the formation of states, and thus, Maharashtra and Gujarat were formed on the same day to maintain harmony and equality.