Why is International Girl Child Day celebrated? Theme, History and Significance

International Day of the Girl Child is celebrated on 11 October to raise awareness about the importance and potential of girls as the future of our society. 2022 marks the 10th anniversary of IGD. According to the official website of the United Nations, this year there will be more focus on issues important to girls in all fields. Bringing governments, policy makers and the general public to the fold. They will also focus on creating more opportunities for them to make their voice heard globally. Here’s everything you need to know about this day:

(Representative image: Shutterstock)

International Girl Child Day 2022: Theme

This year’s theme for International Day of the Girl Child is “Our time is now – our rights, our future”. The focus is on the plethora of challenges that stand in the way of girls reaching their potential. This is made worse by the ongoing crises of climate change, COVID-19 and humanitarian conflict around the world. Girls struggle with issues related to their education, their physical and mental health, and living a life without violence.

(Representative image: Shutterstock)
(Representative image: Shutterstock)

The United Nations is asking people to get involved to share stories, blogs and videos of human interest, with networks and organizations aiming to bring about change. Other approaches include addressing the factors that are holding girls back in one’s country or region, urging government and policy makers to make more targeted investments, and leading women influencers to be the face of change. it is said.

International Girl Child Day: History

For the first time in history, in 1995 the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action proposed an action plan to advance girls’ rights.

In 2011, the United Nations General Assembly adopted resolution 66/170 and adopted 11 October as International Day of the Girl Child. It was an annual day celebrated to honor girls. Every year, a new theme is chosen to focus on the most popular issue of the year.

International Girl Child Day was first celebrated in 2012. It focused on the theme of ending child marriage. In the two years since then, the day has witnessed over 2,043 events across the world.

International Girl Child Day: Significance

The rights of oppressed girls around the world need a voice. International Day of the Girl Child calls upon people to be the voice of change and empower them. There are deeply rooted gender biases that have created problematic mindsets that make girls face challenges at every step to achieve their potential.

International Girl Child Day aims to raise awareness about these issues and work towards a work-oriented plan for the upliftment of young girls. Because empowered girls are the future of a great and progressive society.

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