Why this flight attendant wants passengers to avoid using seat pockets on flights

Last Update: May 18, 2023, 12:00 IST

The flight attendant’s statements were supported by another crew member, who preferred to remain anonymous.

According to the flight attendants, they have seen several items being removed from the seat pockets.

In a Reddit forum for flight attendants, a user named Hossoff Darling shared a strong recommendation about seat pockets on commercial planes. According to flight attendants, passengers should avoid using or placing anything in a specific section of an aircraft seat, emphasizing the importance of avoiding it altogether. The attendant said, “I always advise you to never, ever, ever, ever, ever use or keep anything in seat pockets. They get rubbish-free but never ‘clean’ Would have been.” According to his observations, he has personally seen a variety of items being taken out of that specific location. These included soiled tissues, airsickness bags, undergarments, socks, apple cores, chewing gum, and partially eaten sweets. , and yet, during a subsequent flight, passengers will keep their phone, laptop, or iPad in the same spot.

The flight attendant’s statements were supported by another crew member, who preferred to remain anonymous. This crew member shared anecdotes about some of the most obnoxious items they found in seat pockets. He recalled a particularly harrowing incident when he once had vomit that spilled over the outside of a paper bag and was seeping through a seat pocket.

Flight attendants have been revealing insider tips and recommendations, and this isn’t the first instance. Recently, a flight attendant warned passengers not to wear shorts during air travel. Cabin crew member Tommy Simato advises that wearing shorts during a flight is more likely to cause bacterial infections.

Simato strongly advises against wearing shorts when preparing to fly, as it inevitably invites a bacteria-filled journey. In his explanation, he emphasized the importance of avoiding sleeping or resting your head against a window. This caution stems from the fact that many persons, including children, may have touched or applied various substances to the surface of the window. He drew a parallel between wearing a window and shorts, emphasizing their uncertainty about their cleanliness. Therefore, the risk of encountering germs is greatly reduced by choosing pants.

The crew member also highlighted that the bathroom is widely considered to be one of the most unhygienic areas on the plane, and strongly advised vacationers to refrain from contacting the flush button.