Why wear a Rolex when you can eat it? A delicious new recipe to try!

Have you ever thought about eating your Rolex? Not even in my wildest dreams, is it? But what if we could make a Rolex edible for you? Don’t worry, we’re not doing anything with your expensive watch! It is a completely new dish which is made with some eggs and a bun. Simply put, a Rolex is an egg (omelet) wrapped in a chapati. And its resemblance to the luxury watch brand is just a coincidence. Now you must be wondering why the name of this egg wrap is Rolex. There is a funny story behind this name. Let us introduce you to it.

What is Rolex? Why is this dish called Rolex? History and Origin of Rolex:

If you look into world food history, you will find the origins of Rolex in Uganda. It is a classic street food of the region, widely available at every nook and corner. Rolex is basically a ‘rolled egg’. According to several reports, the word ‘rolled eggs’, when said fast enough, sounded like ‘Rolex’. Over the years, the misinterpretation stuck to the people of the region and the dish was permanently named ‘Rolex’. Quite a funny story, isn’t it?

Read also: 7 Expert Tips To Make Kolkata-Style Egg Rolls Like A Pro

Rolex (Rolled Eggs) vs. Egg Roll: What’s the Difference?

While studying Rolex, the ingredients reminded us of the classic Indian egg roll. After all, both the dishes have chapati and eggs in the recipes! In fact, Rolex can even be said to be a perfect example of the mingling of cultures, where the Indian staple roti traveled to the East African country of Uganda.

However, if you dive deeper, you will find a significant difference between a Ugandan rolled egg (Rolex) and an Indian egg roll. while Rolex is just a omelette Placed on a chapati and rolled together, an egg roll is bread fried with egg and rolled with sauce and vegetables inside. This makes the Rolex drier than its Indian counterpart.

How to Make Rolex: Ugandan Rolled Eggs Recipe:

Trust us, you can be as creative as you want with the recipe. You can either make a simple omelette with eggs, onions, tomatoes, coriander and spices or load it up with minced meat, vegetables and more. Also make a chapati separately. You can use wheat flour or maida as per your choice. Just knead it with some salt and sugar.

When both the roti and the egg are done, assemble them together, roll them up and serve hot. That’s it. Ready to enjoy the fun of Rolex. Click here For a simple Rolex recipe.

This weekend, try Rolex for a ‘fantastic’ breakfast and let us know how you liked it. For more amazing egg-based recipes, Click here,