Will CBSE return to a single board exam pattern next year? decision is pending

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is yet to take a decision on returning to its previous practice of conducting board exams for classes 10 and 12 in the academic session 2022-23. PTIQuoting officials.

“The decision to conduct the board exams in two terms was taken in view of the unprecedented situation arising out of the pandemic, where for the academic session 2020-21, students were to be assessed using an alternate assessment scheme as no board exam would be conducted. The move was announced as a one-time measure, a senior board official said.

“Whether it will be extended till the new academic session or not, a decision will be taken when the time comes,” he said.

Recent reports said that students of class 10 and 12 From next year only one board exam will have to be given.

“Even as NEP 2020 favors two-term exams, it has been decided to switch to the previous exercise for now and conduct a set of board exams at the end of the academic year. The stakeholders also suggested an examination policy,” an official was recently quoted as saying Hindustan Times,

The National Policy on Education (NEP) 2020 recommended dividing the academic session into two phases for classes 10 and 12.

Under the split term system, the first term board exam was held in December last year and the second term board exam is scheduled to start from 26 April.

This comes as the University Grants Commission (UGC) has asked all central universities to use only CUET scores for admission to various undergraduate courses barring certain activity-oriented programs like performing arts and physical education.

The UGC had last month announced that Common University Entrance Test (CUET) scores, not Class 12 marks, would be mandatory for admission to 45 central universities and universities may decide their own minimum eligibility criteria.

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