Will resume mid-day meal if attendance is 100%: Delhi Govt.

Responding to criticism over not starting the mid-day meal scheme despite opening its schools a week ago, the Delhi government on Tuesday said it was distributing dry rations instead of resuming mid-day meals as only half the students in its schools. were participating.

Door-to-door delivery of dry ration is now being done to ensure that cent percent children get the benefit of mid-day meal. As soon as there is 100% attendance in schools, door-to-door ration distribution will be stopped and mid-day meals will be started,” said a government spokesperson.

Activists have been demanding the reintroduction of the mid-day meal scheme, arguing that there is no basis for denying hot cooked meals to eligible children by local bodies or the government and in government-aided schools.

Delhi Congress also raised the issue and said that the Delhi government’s decision not to restart the mid-day meal scheme was a regressive step and a grave injustice to about 13 lakh children from poor families, as their main attraction was to go there. . There was a mid-day meal scheme for schools.

“Parents of poor school going children, most of whom have lost their source of livelihood due to the COVID-19 pandemic, are not yet in a position to provide two meals a day to their children. Delhi Congress spokesperson Anil Bhardwaj said these children were looking forward to reopening schools with great hope as the mid-day meal scheme was a big incentive for poor children to attend schools.

The party demanded immediate reinstatement of the mid-day meal scheme, arguing that it was necessary for the future of poor children who were otherwise at risk of dropping out of schools.