‘Will Take Action’: BTS’ Jungkook Offensive Fan for Sending School Food Home

South Korean band BTS has taken the world by storm. Today, he has an army of fans around the world who do everything possible to show love for their favorite singers. However, sometimes things don’t go according to plan and these gestures leave celebrities fuming. Recently something similar happened with BTS band member Jungkook. He was tired of getting food deliveries from fans. The situation became so serious that he put out a post on social media, warning that he would take necessary steps if necessary. In a recent post on Waiver (written in Korean), Jungkook described the full story about the ‘Delivery’ incident.

jungkook He said, he is getting a lot of food at home from everywhere and he strongly asks people to refrain from doing so. The post translated into English as, “Don’t get the food home delivered. I won’t even eat them.” He said he felt grateful for the gesture, but he gets enough food at home. Instead, he asks the army to buy food for him. “I eat well. You can buy it for yourself. I beg you!” Finally, he ended the post on a firm note saying, “If you send this one more time, I will check the receipt number you sent and take action. So shut it up!”
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Seeing this post caught everyone’s attention fan And they took to Twitter to show support for Jungkook.
“‘I am also a human being, and the army is also a human being, of course, you will understand.’ – Jungkook. Respect Jungkook. Leave Jungkook alone,” wrote one fan.

Another person wrote, “I was so happy Jungkook posted until I read this… what the hell? That didn’t even occur to me and it breaks my heart to think that Jungkook has to be shot.” How did you have to go through this blatant invasion of privacy.” …and the fact that he’s speaking about it right now, you know it’s bad. Respect him.”

A third tweet read, “Please stop sending food to her house! No one asked you to do this. Stop intruding into her privacy!”

Another person wrote, “Imagine how scared he is knowing these people even know his home address. Respect Jungkook. Leave him alone.”

One of the tweets read, “This is not happening for the first time. Prosecute the stalkers and take strict action. Make sure JK is protected at all times.”

What are your thoughts on the whole incident? Let us know in the comments below.