Window AC installed in Tata Punch! How and why it was done – Times of India

A YouTuber has found an unconventional solution to beat the heat and cool down your car quickly.
FWS – FunWithScience uploaded a video to their YouTube channel, which shows: Tata Punch Looking for a Micro SUV with Window AC! This is perhaps the first instance of a car being fitted with a full-size window AC in India.
The YouTuber talks about the extremely hot outdoor temperatures where she lives, and how hard it is to sit in her hot car when she’s been parked in the sun for a while. He then reveals the Bluestar Window AC that he had installed in the boot of the Tata Punch before comparing it with the car’s standard air conditioner.

Along with the AC unit, the batteries powering it and an inverter are also placed right next door. The rear seat has been folded down to make room for the equipment. The YouTuber first uses the car’s air conditioner to see how long it takes for the car to cool down. According to the video, it takes 20 minutes for the Tata Punch’s AC system to bring down the temperature inside the car by 10 degrees.
For window ACs to work in a car, the tailgate needs to be kept open to dissipate the hot air flowing from the back of the unit. For the same reason, the car cannot be driven when the AC unit is on, and therefore, it is parked at various locations as the video progresses, to gauge public reaction.

window ac tata punch

Although this experiment is not practical as you cannot drive with the AC on, the video has garnered over 2 lakh views on YouTube.
Credits: FWS – FunWithScience (YouTube)