Winter Diet: 7 High Protein Winter Recipes You Must Try Today

Winter comes and we find ourselves reaching for all things hot, smooth and sweet. While those fried dumplings and hot momos look great and comforting on a cold winter evening, the constant reliance on these foods is not the best for our health. Maintaining balance is essential, and the best part is that you don’t need to look far to do so. Because along with its many other rewards, the winter season also provides us with a range of seasonal fruits and vegetables which are nutritious, rich in protein, fiber and provide us the energy required to function during the cold weather. Indian cuisine features a variety of traditional winter dishes that range from sweet to savory. From classic sarso ka saag to old gajar ka halwa and oh-so-delicious palak paneer – these dishes are not only delicious, but healthy too. If you are looking for ways to improve your health this winter, try these 7 traditional winter recipes.

Here Are 7 High Protein Winter Recipes You Must Try Today

1. Mustard greens:

It is essential to start the list with a true blue winter. Mustard greens are one of the many leafy greens of winter that we love to enjoy on a regular basis. And like many other green leafy vegetables, sarso ka saag has many health benefits such as it is a rich source of anti-oxidants, it is rich in iron and dietary fiber, and it is also good for eyesight. Add a dollop of white butter and enjoy a plateful of sarso ka saag with roti or parathas. Click here for the recipe.

2. Pea Nimona:

Greens really dominate our winter diets, don’t they? But with this easy and delicious curry, we’re definitely not complaining. Matar ka Nimona is a delicious curry from Uttar Pradesh that you must try soon, especially if you love the taste of fresh winter green peas. Here is the recipe for you.

Matar ka nimona is a delicious matar curry

3. Carrot Halwa:

Should we say something about the old-fashioned pudding? It’s hot, soft and pulpy, laden with ghee, and tastes absolutely heavenly! A teaspoon of this delicacy can warm your heart and make the taste buds equally better; The natural sweetness of carrots also means you’ll cut down on unnecessary sugar consumption. In addition, carrots are believed to help with diabetes and blood sugar levels as well. how here You can make this sweet at home.

(Also read: )

4. Stuffed Cabbage:

Completely rich and robust lunch recipe, Stuffed Cauliflower is a must eat during the winter season. Although cauliflower can be found year round, it is essentially a winter vegetable and that is what makes a winter batch irresistible! If you are a fan of cabbage, then definitely include stuffed cabbage in your winter diet. Cauliflower is known to be rich in protein, calcium and iron. Here is an easy recipe for you.


Cauliflower looks delicious in winter

5. Palak Paneer:

Paneer is a constant vegetarian item come winter or summer, but its various variations keep us satiated with each passing season. For example, green leafy vegetable spinach is in abundance in winters and hence making delicious palak paneer becomes all the more necessary. Easy and quick to make, Palak Paneer doesn’t require much effort or ingredients, if you want an easy to follow recipe, here it is.

(Also read: )

6. Methi Paratha:

The versatility of fenugreek never fails to impress us, from fenugreek pakoras to fenugreek chicken, you can add this winter leafy vegetable to almost all types of dishes. So the next time you have a bunch of fenugreek at home and don’t know what to do with it, try this delicious and easy breakfast recipe. here’s the recipe for you.

7. Sesame Good Papad:

Sesame and jaggery are both considered to be hot foods which help us to keep away from cold and cough. Also, both the items are believed to help in building immunity and are available in abundance during winters. Make this easy sweet at home in a few minutes, store and chew these goodies from time to time to keep yourself safe from cold. Click here for the recipe.

There you have it, try these healthy and homemade winter recipes. Which did you like the most? Let us know in the comments below.
