Winter Diet Tips: 5 Dietitian-Approved Health Benefits of Green Chickpeas

What do we love most about winter? One of the most common answers is the variety of fruits and vegetables that come with the seasons. Our vegetable baskets are filled with a variety of colorful winter produce – from fresh carrots and turnips to leafy greens. One such popular winter vegetable is hara chana (green gram). Commonly known as cholia, it tastes amazing and also provides a variety of health benefits. Green gram looks exactly like black gram and is very different in taste.

Health benefits of green gram: Why include green gram in your winter diet:

much like chickpeas And black gramGreen chickpeas also contain a rich nutrient content. Celebrity nutritionist Lavneet Batra elaborated on the health benefits of including green gram in her winter diet on her Instagram. There are a plethora of “green winter vegetables,” but there’s one vegetable that isn’t talked about much – green chickpeas, also known as chholia or green channi, are my favorite. Green chickpeas are in the legume family. And when it comes to the nutritional and health benefits a portion of food can offer the human body, the benefits of cholia are powerful and plentiful,” she wrote along with the post.

Read also: See: Paneer Cholia is packed with protein and tastes great. Must try this season

Here are 5 dietitian-approved benefits of green gram:

1. Helps in Weight Loss:

Green gram is a storehouse of fiber. Eating foods with high fiber content helps to reach satiety faster (post-meal fullness). This satiety effect lasts longer because fiber-rich foods require more time to be chewed and digested in the intestinal system. The satiating effect of green gram’s high fiber and protein content can help in weight management.

2. Rich Source of Folate:

Lentils are a terrific folate provider. Green chickpeas are rich in vitamin B9, or folate, which can help improve mood and manage anxiety and depression.

3. Reduces the Risk of Cancer:

Butyrate is a compound produced by consumption of chickpeas in healthy adults. Butyrate is reported to suppress cell proliferation and induce apoptosis, which may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.

4. Supports Heart Health:

The high mineral content in green gram – such as magnesium and potassium – support heart health and prevent high blood pressure. It also contains a plant sterol called sitosterol which interferes with the body’s absorption of cholesterol and thereby may help reduce blood cholesterol levels.

5. Promote Hair Growth:

While protein deficiency can lead to many problems like hair fall, thinning hair and hair breakage, consumption of foods like green chickpeas (which are rich in protein) can promote hair growth and improve the quality of hair. It can also help increase.

Considering the above factors, we suggest incorporating green chickpeas In your daily diet for overall health benefits. “Eat them fresh, dried, raw, steamed or cooked, but add this wonderful vegetable to your winter diet,” concludes nutritionist Lavneet Batra.

We also bring you a delicious Hara Chana recipe which can be a great addition to your winter meals. It is called Hara Chana Masala. This dish is easy to make and delicious too. click here For the green chana masala recipe.
