With few penetration tests, Southeast Asia could reap the most from China’s travel revival

Even as the virus tears through its 1.4 billion people, the world’s second-biggest economy is opening its borders on Sunday, a move that will welcome travelers eager for a diversion after three years of strict restrictions. promises to unleash a wave.

CIMB economist Song Seng Wun said such newly mobile Chinese tourists would opt for “minimum hassle” and head for destinations where testing is not in demand, which benefits Southeast Asia.

“The busier the regional airports are, the better it is for their economies,” he added.

while AustraliaBritain, India, Japan and the United States are among the nations that have required a negative COVID-19 test for incoming Chinese, Southeast Asian countries from Cambodia to Indonesia and Singapore have all rejected such requirements .

Except for Malaysia and Thailand testing airplane wastewater for the virus, the 11 countries in the region will treat Chinese travelers like any other.

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim said, “We are not taking a stand to discriminate (against) any country.”

News of the lack of testing requirements had already fueled interest in the field.

At least 76% of Chinese travel agencies ranked Southeast Asia as the top destination when outbound travel resumed, according to a survey released in December by trade show ITB China.

welcome back

The region is home to several tourism-dependent economies, including Chinese beach havens, luxury malls and casinos used to draw large numbers of visitors, which have been severely affected by their absence over the years.

Now, their tourism industry is gearing up to welcome back Chinese travelers.

In 2019, 155 million Chinese traveled abroad, spending $254.6 billion, or close to Vietnam’s GDP, said Citi, whose researchers expect mass tourism to “significantly improve” in the second quarter of 2023. .

In Vietnam, nearly a third of the 18 million foreign arrivals in 2019 were from Chinawhile nearly a fifth of Singapore’s international arrivals were Chinese, who spent S$900 million ($671 million).

Thailand already expects to welcome 5 million Chinese travelers this year, or nearly half of 2019’s 10.99 million. Neighboring Malaysia is expected to welcome 1.5 million to 2 million Chinese tourists this year, up from 3 million before the pandemic.

Its vice president Ganish Ram said the Malaysian Association of Tour and Travel Agents is preparing a roadshow in Chinese cities to woo visitors.

some health concerns

Officials have downplayed health concerns spread by other countries, such as concerns over insufficient information from the United States and fears that more cases in China could lead to new forms of the virus.

Singapore said that its high population was immune, as about 40% of its people were infected coronavirus And 83% were vaccinated, while it has increased healthcare capacity.

Karen Grapin, A public health on professor hong kong The university agreed with that approach, saying, “Every day, countries import thousands of cases of COVID-19 from around the world.”

In Bali, Ida Bagus Agung Parta, chairman of the resort island’s tourism board, said it would “boost our defence”, as workers take a second booster dose of the vaccine this month.

Hun Sen, the prime minister of Beijing’s ally Cambodia, described other countries’ testing requirements as “propaganda” to “scare people”.

Hun Sen said in a recent speech, “Whatever other countries want to do, that is their right.” “But for Cambodia, it is an invitation to the Chinese people: Chinese tourists, come to Cambodia.”

The text of this story is published from a wire agency feed without any modification.

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