Woman adopts viral Tiktok hack to cook egg, skin peeled off

Ms. Basheer is in shock after the incident and vows to never eat eggs again.

Following the viral TikTok trend, a woman experienced a horrifying incident after she tried to cook eggs in a microwave. The eggs explode and Shafia Bashir’s skin peels off her face. The 37-year-old was making herself a poached egg using a widely circulated recipe when she said disaster struck. Independent Said. Ms Basheer is now warning others not to follow the trend and try to recreate the popular dish. The woman said she was in “complete agony” following the incident.

The woman put the egg in a mug filled with boiling water and then put it in the microwave for a few minutes.

But when she put a cold spoon on the egg, it “exploded like a fountain” and scarred the right side of her face. Ms Bashir said it was the “most excruciating” pain of her life.

“It was a terrible time for me. I was in complete agony,” she said. Independent,

Ms. Basheer said, “I don’t want anyone else to go through this because it’s trending on TikTok… It was the most excruciating pain of my life.”

After the incident, he put his face under a faucet before visiting the emergency department at the hospital. The burning lasted for 12 hours.

According to the outlet, Ms. Bashir said, “My face has healed now, luckily no scars. I used Vaseline, Sudocrem, whatever I could get my hands on.”

Metro She said she had been making the dish for three years when she decided to cook it on May 12.

“I did it exactly like I usually do. I had already made toast, I was starving! My ex-mother-in-law told me about it. She told me how to make a poached egg in the microwave I’ve been doing it for three years,” Ms. Bashir said.

The British Medical Journal previously stated that microwave ovens should display a clear warning about eggs exploding. It is dangerous to cook peeled eggs in the microwave because the shell holds in the heat.

Ms Basheer said she was traumatized after the incident and vowed never to eat eggs again.

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