Woman installed fridge camera after food disappeared, here’s what she found

Refrigerator is one of the most essential home appliances. Whether you store food or drinks, fresh produce or cosmetics – fridges can certainly come in handy. However, if you notice that the contents of your fridge are slowly disappearing, what will you do? A woman recently took to Reddit to share her experience about a shared fridge where her food that constantly went missing. The post was shared by u/Not_entirely_sure__ user and has already received 17k upvotes. He narrated the whole incident, how he noticed that his food was missing, and how he set up a fridge camera to catch the guilty side. to keep track:

(Also read: Weird or Useful? Blogger organizes library like a fridge; share instagram,

The woman revealed that she lives in a house with three other girls. They have a shared fridge with a shelf each for their food and drink. However, he noticed that the goods off his shelf fridge Constantly disappearing. “I notice several times a week that a huge portion of my food and milk is gone. It is incredibly frustrating, and also very time consuming and expensive, to buy/cook new food,” she said in her post. Explained.

On the advice of a friend, he decided to install a fridge camera to find out who was stealing his food. He suspected his flatmate, Kate, of being a thief, but could not gather any evidence to support his allegation. fridge camera It was revealed in a week’s time that it was, in fact, Kate who was secretly stealing supplies from the fridge. Kate instead contested the argument, saying it was wrong and ‘offensive’ to install a camera in the house without the knowledge of everyone involved.

Reddit users debated in the comments section whether the fridge’s camera was justified or not. Some said that this is the only way flatmate can be caught stealing Eat, Others said that perhaps the woman could have taken other roommates into confidence about the camera.

Take a look at some of the responses:

(Also read: Cleaning out your fridge before re-stocking? here are some recipe ideas,

Do you think it was right for the woman to put the camera in the fridge? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below.

About Aditi AhujaAditi loves talking and meeting like-minded people (especially those who love Veg Momos). Plus points if you find his bad jokes and sitcom references, or if you recommend a new place to eat.
