Woman orders sanitary pads from Swiggy, gets chocolate cookies as a surprise – Internet appreciates the gesture

Ordering food and groceries from online delivery platforms has proved to be a boon for many of us. They come in handy when we want to satiate those midnight hunger pangs or when we just don’t feel like cooking after a long and tiring day. From birthday cakes, pizzas, burgers, drinks and other treats, today we can relish every dish sitting in the comfort of our homes. It is always exciting to receive food packages at your doorstep. And, this feeling becomes even more delightful when we get something unexpected.

Read also: Swiggy delivery boy saved a man’s life, this is the whole story

Recently, a woman shared an instance where she ordered sanitary pads from Swiggy’s grocery delivery service Instamart. He got a surprise that delighted him! Along with the order, she also found some chocolate cookies in the bag.

“I ordered sanitary pads from Swiggy Instamart and found a bunch of chocolate cookies at the bottom of the bag. very considerate! tweeted the woman. “But not sure who did it, Swiggy or Shopper?” she added. Find the heartwarming post below.

Read also: Watch: Swiggy delivery agent helped by its Zomato counterpart; video goes viral

The post soon gained traction on the platform. Many users appreciated the small but sweet gesture.

“Doesn’t matter who, it’s a nice gesture!!!” read a comment.

Swiggy Cares also replied to the woman’s tweet and wrote, “We wish you a wonderful day, Sameera :)”

Calling it cute, a user shared, “Most of the times even I am surprised with Instamart orders”.

“Instamart orders come from pods so it must be pod manager :)” wrote one person.

A user suggested that the cookies may be added by the delivery boy.

Another comment read, “Nice, a comforting gesture at the right time”.

One user wrote, ‘He sent me Hajmola.’

This user expressed regret for the missing out and wrote, “I ordered pads too, but never received the cookies”.

Many called the gesture “sweet”.

So, were you pleasantly surprised by your online delivery? If yes, then share your experience with us in the comments below.

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