Women more likely to be rejected for asking for higher salary

(Bloomberg) — Most men and women still don’t ask for more money than they’re offered in job interviews. But if they do, women are more likely to be turned down.

According to a survey of more than 5,500 US workers conducted by the Pew Research Center in early February, about 58% of men and 61% of women said they did not ask for a higher salary when they were last hired. . Of those who asked for more money, 28% said their negotiation was successful, 38% said they were offered less than what they wanted but more than the initial offer, and 35% said they only got what they wanted. Given what was previously presented, Pew found. Women were more likely than men – 38% to 31% – to say they were only given an initial offer.

Salary transparency and the gender pay gap have increasingly come into focus in the US as several states including California, New York and Washington now require employers to list salary ranges with all job postings. More cities and states, such as Illinois and Washington DC, are also adding such requirements.

Even without legislation, there is a tendency for greater transparency; Nearly half of US job listings now include salary information, recent surveys determine. Regardless of the attention, women earn about 83 cents for every $1 a man earns, a gap that widens for women of color.

Men were more likely than women to say they were satisfied with the pay they were paid – 42% versus 36% – while women were more likely – 42% versus 33% – to say they were more Didn’t feel comfortable asking for salary offered, finds Pew. According to the research, the youngest employees were the least comfortable asking for more compensation than was offered.

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