Women’s Day 2022: 7 must-eat superfoods for women’s health

Foods with high nutritional density are known as superfoods. This means that they provide a lot of nutrients in small amounts. They are rich in calories and minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Most of us are unaware that many superfoods have existed for generations, and that our grandparents and ancestors have long used them for their health benefits. They have just been rediscovered and are now making news. People have a popular belief that superfoods will put a dent in their pockets or they will taste bad, making them not want to eat them again regardless of their benefits. While there are a lot of exotic superfoods that can be expensive, there are currently a variety of alternatives available in India from competing companies such as quinoa puffs, ragi chips and other products that are not only cheap but also delicious.

(Also read: Women’s Day 2022: 5 Fruits And Why They Are Women’s Best Friend,

In the health business, superfoods have garnered a lot of attention. It has gone viral on the internet, and everyone is suggesting superfoods as a way to live a better and fitter life. But what is it about superfoods that makes them so special? Superfoods are nutrient-rich foods that support a healthy diet by providing vitamins and minerals. Let’s take a look at some of the great benefits that these superfoods bring to women’s health. There is only one woman who can work day and night and not feel tired! The health of their family and friends is a matter of greatest concern to women. Dietary Requirements of a Woman Varies significantly from men, and it changes with age. Women sometimes neglect to take care of themselves as they go through menstruation, pregnancy, nursing and menopause, while juggling the twin responsibilities of a profession and a family in their twenty-four hour schedule.

In today’s world, it is important for a woman to eat nutritious food to be strong, smart and balanced. There are specific superfoods that a woman must include in her diet to ensure that she gets an extra burst of energy and nutrients, such as quinoa, grains, leafy vegetables, and so on.

(Also read: Women’s Day 2022: What women should eat for the rest of their lives,

A balanced diet is essential for good health.
photo credit: iStock

Here is a list of 7 superfoods that can help you stay healthy:

1. Whole Grains

Carbs are an essential component of the human body, and it is important to consume only beneficial carbohydrates, which are abundant in whole grains. Whole grains like quinoa, millet, oats and brown rice are low in fat and high in fiber, resulting in a healthy gut. They also help in avoiding various lifestyle disorders.

2. Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains high amounts of polyphenols, an antioxidant that increases blood flow to the nervous system, resulting in better memory. It may help in the prevention of heart disease and cancer.

3. Berries

Berries are a superfood for women because they are high in strong antioxidants like anthocyanins and vitamin C. These berries, whether blueberries/wild blueberries, blackberries, or strawberries, have anticancer properties. These berries will keep your skin wrinkle-free and youthful. Cranberry is also an effective treatment for urinary tract infections (UTIs), which affect most women.

4. Quinoa

Quinoa is a healthy addition to your diet because of its various benefits. Contains vitamins B and E, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, it is gluten-free and nutrient-rich. Quinoa’s high dietary fiber content makes it an excellent food for weight loss and other digestive problems, including constipation. Fiber also protects the heart and helps prevent diseases like cancer. The antioxidants present in this dish work wonders for your skin and hair.

5. Amla

Amla is a miracle fruit, especially for women, as it is rich in vitamins and minerals. It can help in meeting iron deficiency caused due to excessive bleeding during periods. It prevents deficiency of iron, calcium and vitamin C. It reduces the risk of uterine fibroids and slows the growth of tumors.

6. Walnuts

The only nut that contains all the essential nutrients is walnuts. Walnuts can make a difference They also protect women from dangerous diseases like cancer by reducing cholesterol levels and improving sleep quality in their lives.

7. Beans and Legumes

Many beans and legumes, such as edamame and red beans, are rich in calcium and protein. These two minerals are vital to a woman’s overall health. You may also be surprised to know that beans contain resistant starch, which helps you control blood sugar while burning fat faster. A balanced diet rich in all the essential elements as well as superfoods, is what the women in our lives need to tackle whatever challenge they face. As mothers, spouses, sisters and daughters, this is the most important path to wonderful health and a beautiful life ahead.

(Also read: Celeb fitness instructor Yasmin Karachiwala shares 5 health tips for women,

Include these foods in your diet for a healthy life. Happy International Women’s Day 2022!

About the author: Shri S.N. Rao is MD at Supreme Super Foods.

Disclaimer: These are personal views of the author.