work addiction

Welcome to the deserted world of workaholics! They don’t see anything wrong with doing what they’re doing

They reach office before time, not only till 5 pm, but also work after that. Why, they can even meet at their seat in the office at 9 pm! The guards wished him a good night before leaving for the day. Even after working so hard, they still have unfinished goals to achieve, and impassable deadlines to reach – because they’re always asking for more! They want to prove how hardworking they are by sitting in front of their blue screens all night. They wake up the next day in a panic, only to find the cycle repeating itself. They have no sense of time – breakfast, lunch, dinner all bow down to them. The humble sandwich humbly agrees to whatever their “meal” is, simply because bread is something that can only be carried around at the office desk! Why waste time going to the canteen and eating food?

And god forbid, if a senior level position is occupied by this species, all hell breaks loose for the juniors. Juniors are also expected to work like machines 24×7 as if they have no family, no friends, no hobbies, nothing to do except work! Then the juniors are prompted to come on weekends to finish the work because the seniors cannot breathe until the assigned work is done.

Welcome to the deserted world of workaholics! There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with this species doing what they’re after. In fact, they talk about their work with utmost pride and encourage such behavior among their colleagues. In a country like India, workaholic behavior is frowned upon, and considered a feather in a cap, a jewel in the crown… a badge of honor! Workaholic behavior is rewarded and respected here, except for a few multinationals, which are more aware of the need for work-life balance to maintain mental health. People following the 9-5 schedule are looked down upon as-“Erie, she comes at 9 and leaves fast at 5!” (So? Aren’t they supposed to be office hours?) How much production is coming out, no one cares. What matters is your office’s How many hours do you spend on the seat?

Work-life balance, what is that? They believe in making everyone work 24×7 without any time or energy left for friends, family, or hobbies or physical fitness or exercise. Hobby? what is that? You shouldn’t have any anyway! Then it doesn’t matter if you go crazy, or become a talking machine that works! “No time to stand up and stare…” “On what?” “Nature…the beauty of nature…!” “What is that?” they ask. For them the task is only an arena of cut-throat competition, and “Life is a race!”

Compare this with the five Nordic countries, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Finland and Norway, which rank consistently high in the Happiness Index rankings. They work a limited number of hours per day, not working on weekends. “Then what do they do with the rest of their time anyway,” workaholics ask. Well, that’s the difference. He has a life beyond work… Work is just a part of his life, not his life. really nothing; Everything is just a part of our life. Nothing can be called “our life”!

Where is the creativity in the routine? If the mind keeps on doing the same thing day after day, how does the mind get new ideas? How does it expand its imagination if it doesn’t get to see, taste, feel, hear, smell something new every day? Even Einstein acknowledged the importance of imagination with this quote: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. Because knowledge is limited to all that we know and understand now, whereas imagination embraces the whole world, and there will be everything to know and understand.