World Asthma Day: Air purifiers for asthma – effectiveness and how to choose – Times of India

Every day, our body takes in more air than any other substance. With the air quality getting worse than ever, we are inhaling various pollutants, leading to a host of health issues including asthma. According to the ‘Global Asthma Report 2018’, 1.31 billion people in India (of which 6 percent are children and 2 percent are adults) suffer from asthma.
If you experience breathing problems or health conditions related to polluted air, you may be looking for a solution to clean air. While the first obvious thought might be to stay at home; As houses become increasingly sealed; It may seem that we are eliminating pollution. On the contrary, we are closing it. Whether we are sleeping, working out, cooking or exercising, we are potentially breathing dirty air. There is little we can do to control the quality of the air we breathe. But there are ways we can protect our health and wellbeing in our homes. One such way is to invest in an air purifier.
Dr. Neeraj Awasthi, Cardiologist, Pediatric Cardiologist and General Physician, Max Super Specialty Hospital, Saket says, “The quality of air outside and inside can be disastrous for our health. There are innumerable substances in our homes which are not visible to the naked eye. but contribute to an unhealthy home environment. There is a direct link between exposure to such poor air quality and asthma and other breathing problems. Therefore, to stay away from these allergens such respiratory and asthma triggers These days air purifiers are acting as a strong weapon to ensure respiratory health. They are able to sense and capture harmful pollutants and ultimately control the symptoms of asthma.”
The decision to buy an air purifier can be a positive step towards providing pure air for both you and your family. it world asthma dayHere are some tips Ken ArmstrongThe air purification scientists at Dyson, how to choose the right air purifier to suit your needs.
Purifiers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, remove a variety of air pollutants in your homes, and offer a wide variety of features and specifications. Here are five important things to note before buying an air purifier.
type of filter used
Different types of filtration and cleaning systems are present in purifiers.
For example, ultraviolet light uses electromagnetic radiation to destroy bacteria, viruses, and mold but does not remove dust, allergens or particles in the air. Activated carbon filters react chemically with pollutants to clean fumes, odors and gases from the air, but do not filter out harmful microscopic particles alone. Ionizers work by sending a stream of charged ions to attract dust and allergens. While quite popular, it is important to know that ionizers can produce ozone at ground level. It increases indoor ozone, which can irritate your lungs.
hepa H13 standard filters are highly effective at capturing 99.95 percent of particulates such as allergens, bacteria, H1N1 viruses, pollen and mold spores. However, a HEPA filter alone will not remove formaldehyde.
There are some filters that continuously destroy formaldehyde at the molecular level. They have a unique coating with a similar composition to the cryptomelane mineral. Its billions of atom-sized tunnels are the optimal size for dissipating formaldehyde, breaking it down into smaller amounts of water and CO2. It then regenerates from the oxygen in the air so that it can be continuously destroyed without the need for replacement.
Ability to remove fine and fine particles
While seemingly fundamental, it is important to be aware of the invisible enemies we are dealing with in our homes. In India, PM2.5 is a commonly described particle size – which is prevalent in India almost throughout the year. The particles, unfortunately, do not stop at 2.5 µm. PM0.1 particles, also known as ultra-fine particles, penetrate fine sacs in our lungs (also known as alveoli) and even enter our bloodstream easily can do.
Some air purifiers capture 99.95 percent of particles as small as 0.1 microns and achieve fully sealed HEPA 13 standard filtration – ensuring no air bypasses the filter and any potential leak points blocks through which dirty air can enter the machines.
Area of ​​coverage and ability to circulate air
To measure the scale of your needs, measure the approximate length, width, and height of your room, and multiply them together to get the amount of coverage needed. Keep in mind, however, that the ability to distribute clean air evenly throughout the room is equally important, as many air purifiers only release air in an upward or downward direction.
Industry standard purifier tests are performed in small chambers with a ceiling fan and only one sensor. This is called the clean air delivery rate or CADR testing. In our opinion, not representative of a real life location where a purifier might exist. The test room is small, between 28m3 and 30m3 depending on the methodology.
We believe that people should understand the performance of any machine in the real world when choosing a machine. is developing a testing methodology, Point Loading Auto Response (Polar), which takes into account multifunctionality and real-world performance. The test method assesses the machines’ ability to remove potentially harmful particles and gases, the uniformity of cleaning performance distributed throughout the room, and the air flow projection.
The POLAR test is based on a larger, more representative room size of 81m3, with no added ceiling fans. Eight sensors in the corners of the room and one sensor in the center ensure that we engineer our machines to deliver uniform cleaning performance across the room.
size and weight
Purifiers can be bulky and bulky, making them difficult to move across rooms. Light-weight purifiers, on the other hand, usually mean that coverage has been compromised. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Some models of purifiers combine the functionality of a fan with that of an air purifier, providing the best of both worlds.
–Ken Armstrong, air purification scientist at Dyson