World Cancer Day 2022: Lifestyle Tips to Avoid Cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, killing approximately 10 million people each year. Cancer affects not only the person suffering but also the people connected with the patient. The journey of a cancer patient is taxing as it completely depletes the person in terms of mental and physical resources.

According to data churned out by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), only 5-10 per cent of cancer cases are due to anomalies in genetic structure. 90-95 percent of cancer cases increase due to lifestyle and environmental habits. Today as we celebrate World Cancer Day, here are some lifestyle tips that you can follow to avoid this deadly and deadly disease.

say no to tobacco

Tobacco and cancer are inseparable. So, if you’re not tired of reading this advice almost everywhere yet, here you go one more time. Tobacco is a major cause of cancer and should be avoided at all costs. Smoking or chewing tobacco has serious and adverse effects on the body, with cancer symbolizing it.

Get it right with a healthy diet

A healthy diet is like a universal key that opens the door to everything good that happens in your body. A balanced and healthy diet enhances your body’s ability to deal with the changing hygiene of different environments and keeps you away from diseases. In addition, many foods have medicinal and anti-cancer properties that can fight cancer-causing cells.

Read also: World Cancer Day 2022: Most common cancers in India and why they are increasing

exercise will suffice

Just as a healthy diet is a universal key, an active body also acts as a tough barrier that does not allow any evil organism to disrupt the normal functionality of the body. Exercising daily maintains the body mass index (BMI) and keeps you away from obesity. Obesity is a vicious condition of the body which paves the way for many diseases including cancer.

the sun is good, but not too much

Sun exposure is a healthy habit and fuels the necessary vitamin D in the body. However, prolonged exposure to the scorching sun can also lead to skin cancer. This is a result of ultraviolet radiation that reduces the immune function of the skin and controls the cancer cells to attack the skin.

Say no to processed meat and sugary ingredients

Processed meat, sugary components, and refined carbs promote the growth of carcinogenic compounds such as food that is low in fiber and high in sugar. It also increases body fat which in itself acts as a catalyst for deadly diseases like cancer.

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