World Contraception Day 2021: Theme, History, Significance and all you need to know

World Contraception Day is observed on 26 September. This day is celebrated to recognize the importance of family planning in the lives of people around the world. Advanced technologies have increased the ability of individuals to make choices for their own sexual and reproductive health over the past few decades. The day was established with the goal of increasing contraceptive knowledge and empowering youth to make educated decisions about their sexual and reproductive health.

The annual global campaign focuses on a vision that every conception desires. World Contraception Day was established in 2007 by ten international family planning organizations.

The day aims to make people aware of contraception and facilitate couples to make informed decisions about starting a family. WCD supports safer and better methods of family planning and contraception.

Earlier in the day, UN experts issued a statement saying, “Access to family planning and contraceptive services, free from coercion or constraint, is a component of the right to health that is central to women’s autonomy and agency and in its realization.” Women’s rights to equality and non-discrimination, rights to life, sexual and reproductive health and other human rights.

“Every woman and adolescent girl has the right to access to contraceptive and family planning services, information and education,” the experts said.

During the International Conference on Population and Development in 1994 all couples and individuals were given the right to freely and responsibly choose the number and spacing of their offspring, and is embodied in the 3.7 Agenda for Sustainable Development within the 2030 Agenda.

The campaign believes that not only women, but also their partners, health care professionals and other concerned persons should be informed as much as possible about contraception.

Many individuals need to modify the type of contraception used for a variety of reasons, which is why they should be aware of the many options available. In addition, it promotes the perception of a person’s autonomy over their body. It also aids in the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

Young adults should also be aware of the importance of contraception. According to research, it is also helpful for mothers in the twelve months after delivery. According to WHO, more than 95% of women prefer to avoid getting pregnant within 24 months of delivery. However, more than 70% of these people do not have access to contraceptives.

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