World Diabetes Day 2021: Does diabetes affect the menstrual cycle?

Diabetes brings a lot of changes in a person’s body and one of the major effects of diabetes on women’s health is irregular menstruation. Women with type 2 diabetes are at risk of developing a condition called anovulation. This is a condition where women do not ovulate. This means that the process in which the ovary releases an egg into the fallopian tube does not occur and the woman has irregular periods. Usually the menstrual cycle is of 25-35 days.

A balanced balance of hormones within the body plays an important role in ensuring regular menstruation. Dr Sunita Verma, Director – Obes & Gynecology, Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh, is quoted by Hindustan Times as saying, “Women with diabetes are prone to irregular and delayed periods, usually because they do not ovulate regularly. Huh.”

He also noted that diabetic women tend to be obese, and this is a major factor in causing hormonal imbalances that lead to anovulation. It can also lead to fertility complications. Such women are not only at risk of anemia, fatigue and loss of energy, but are also at risk of developing uterine cancer at a later stage.

Dr Verma shared that anovulation can increase the level of estrogen, a hormone responsible for inflaming the lining of the uterus, the endometrium. It also leads to a thicker endometrium which leads to heavy and prolonged bleeding during menstruation. All this adversely affects overall health and causes anemia, fatigue and loss of energy.

Type 2 diabetes can also result in polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) as women with PCOD are found in their teens and early adult years with hyperinsulinemia, or increased blood levels of insulin.

The increased blood sugar level triggers a cascade of hormonal events that lead to insulin resistance and lead to obesity and delayed menstrual cycles. Women with PCOD usually develop type 2 diabetes by the age of 40 and suffer from irregular menstruation.

To avoid any of these instances, women are advised to take extra care of themselves and include a healthy diet and regular exercise to control blood sugar levels.

If one is suffering from symptoms like absence of periods for more than three months, heavy or prolonged bleeding with passage of clots during menstruation, irregular bleeding between cycles, they should contact a gynecologist .

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