World Diabetes Day 2022: 5 myths about the disease you never knew

World Diabetes Day 2022: Today is World Diabetes Day and the primary objective behind celebrating this day is to raise global awareness on diabetes. Led by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), the theme for this year’s World Diabetes Day is “better access to quality diabetes education”. According to the World Health Organization, only 2 percent of the total deaths in India are due to diabetes. It is a chronic condition that affects the blood sugar level and if not kept under control it can lead to many other serious health related diseases. Today, on the occasion of World Diabetes Day, we are busting some popular myths about diabetes.

Myth 1- Diabetes cannot be cured

If diagnosed at an early stage, diabetes can also be cured. Diabetes is curable if you take proper diet and exercise daily. You can avoid diabetes by adopting a healthy lifestyle. If you do not take care of your blood sugar then the risk of getting diabetes will always be there.

Myth 2- Diabetics cannot eat sugar

It is the most common myth that people suffering from diabetes cannot consume sugar. It is said that the patient should depend only on sugar free diet for the rest of his life. But this is not the truth. One needs to consume everything in balance, be it sugar or any other compound.

Myth 3- Type 2 diabetes occurs only in obesity

Another myth that needs to be busted is that type 2 diabetes occurs only in obese people. In fact, type 2 diabetes is a problem that affects people with unhealthy lifestyle choices. Yes, it is associated with obesity, but the disease does not affect only obese people.

Myth 4- It’s hereditary

Diabetes can occur due to many reasons such as increasing age, obesity, lack of physical activity, lack of exercise and poor eating habits. Yes, family history is also one of the main factors, but it does not necessarily depend on it.

There have been many cases where it has been observed that even those who do not have diabetes in their family are affected by this disease. However, your family’s diabetes genes can be neutralized if you choose to adopt a healthy diet, lifestyle, and reduce stress.

Myth 5- Diabetes is contagious

This is the most dangerous myth because it is not a contagious disease. It is a non-communicable disease and does not spread through sneezing or touching. A child can be affected only if a parent has diabetes, but generally, it cannot be passed from person to person.