World Diabetes Day: Fruits, vegetables diabetics should include and exclude

Diabetes remains a prevalent disease in India. The Covid-19 pandemic also proved fatal for diabetics as comorbidities also led to many deaths. Diabetes is the result of too much sugar in the blood, leading to high blood sugar. Diabetics are often found in search of the toilet and they also feel more hungry. Diabetes is controlled through diet and medication. According to 1mg, diabetes reduces the production of insulin in the body, and if the condition persists for a long time, the patient can attract other dangerous diseases as well.

The production of insulin in the body can be increased either by insulin shots or through the dietary route. On World Diabetes Day, let’s look at several easily available fruits and vegetables that can help you control your sugar levels and lead a balanced life.

Fruits and vegetables for diabetics

Since bananas contain carbohydrates, diabetic patients are advised to eat only half a banana at a time. Consuming too much carbohydrate is not good for diabetic patients as it increases the level of sugar in the blood.

Apples are rich in antioxidants, regulate cholesterol levels and maintain good digestion. Diabetic patients should eat one or at least half an apple daily.

Guava is considered very healthy for diabetic patients. It contains vitamin A, vitamin C and dietary fiber. Its sweetness level is relatively low.

Other fruits useful for diabetic patients include pears (nashapati), peaches (peach) and java plums (berries).

Among vegetables, diabetics should eat bitter gourd (Bitter gourd) as it controls high blood sugar levels. Bitter gourd contains phytochemicals which are very good for diabetes.

Okra is loaded with myristicin which has been proven to be beneficial for diabetic patients.

Fruits and vegetables should be given up

Grapes and cherries contain carbohydrates and therefore should not be eaten in excess. Ripe pineapple contains high level of sugar and hence should be avoided by diabetic patients.

Vegetables like potatoes, pumpkin and beets contain starch and carbohydrates which are not good for people with diabetes. These vegetables should be given to diabetic patients in very limited quantity.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on general knowledge. Please consult an expert before following the suggestions.

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