World Emoji Day 2022: Survey reveals how Indians misinterpret most emoticons

World Emoji Day 2022: Ahead of World Emoji Day on July 17, a survey revealed how Indians perceive emoticons differently from the rest of the world. The survey, conducted by Slack in collaboration with Duolingo, revealed that nearly 58 percent of global survey respondents say they are unaware of the multiple meanings of specific emoji.

The randomized double-opt-in survey included 9,400 hybrid office workers and was evenly distributed across the US, UK, Canada, France, Japan, China, Singapore, India, Germany, South Korea and Australia. The survey was launched by Duolingo and Slack between June 15 and June 27.

It also found that more than a third of French, Australian and German respondents agree that their company has its own language of emoji for internal communication. This sentiment was higher in Asia than in Europe, with 66% of Indian and 60% of Chinese surveyors agreeing that their formal chats included emoji language that was specific to the workplace.

According to the survey an emoji like side-eye means “take a look” in the workplace, while the tick mark emoji means the task is done. The raised hand emoji means well done, while the thumbs up emoticon translates as accepted or done. To indicate matters of urgency or request, some workplace online chats use the circle emoji which can come in colors such as white, blue or red.

It was reported that the three most confusing emojis were crying, heart kiss and peach confusing 36 per cent of Indian respondents. About 46 percent of Indian respondents said that the eye emoji means “I see you”.

About 27 percent of Indian surveyors thought it meant “I’m looking at it.” Another 10 percent believed it to mean “I know” and another ten percent believed it is used to say “that.” However, the bigger sense of this side-eye emoji is to draw attention to any tension or drama.

According to Slack, the survey showed that emoji can also serve as metadata. The report also revealed that when the pandemic first hit, it saw a huge increase in the use of red heart emoticons and similar emoji.

This is when Slack’s own employees used emoji to express support, love and solidarity. According to Slack, the red heart emoji is used to express feelings that are difficult to express in appropriate words at work during tough times.

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