World Environment Day 2022: Follow these practices in daily life to conserve nature

We all need to make some lifestyle changes and follow some simple steps daily for an eco-friendly life. (Image: Shutterstock)

World Environment Day 2022: Several studies and research reports reveal how human actions are wreaking havoc on the environment

World Environment Day 2022: From using bicycles or public transport for daily commuting to reducing the use of plastic, there are many steps you can take to care for our environment.

Nature has always been generous by providing us with all the necessary resources- the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe. Nature is the main source of our existence.

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However, the ill effects of climate change and global warming are enough to warn us that we do something in return, before it is too late. Numerous studies and research reports reveal how human actions are wreaking havoc on the environment. It is important for all individuals to take necessary steps for a sustainable and eco-friendly life. It doesn’t require big projects or elaborate plans over the years for sustainable development, but simple steps in a person’s daily life can do wonders for the environment.

We all need to make some lifestyle changes and follow some simple steps daily for an eco-friendly life.

Here are some things that we can practice daily to reduce our carbon footprint.

  1. Instead of driving your own vehicle, start walking, cycling or taking public transportation for your daily commuting needs. It is more environmentally friendly than using vehicles to go to work or to the market.
  2. Avoid spreading dirt or spitting on the roads. Follow the garbage disposal guidelines issued by local bodies and whenever possible participate in community campaigns to keep your area clean.
  3. Avoid using plastic bottles or anything made of plastic. If the demand for plastic products falls, the supply will also decrease.
  4. Switch off lights, fans and save energy before leaving the room. Avoid using heater in winter and wear warm clothes instead. Also, use air conditioners sparingly during summers.
  5. Reuse and recycle your products whenever possible. Instead of throwing away juice bottles, use them as storage containers at home. Switch to having your own shopping bag instead of relying on paper bags or plastic bags when you go shopping.
  6. Conserve water by not leaving the taps running when not in use, and start showering with buckets of water instead of using the shower.
  7. Plant more trees, educate yourself and others about the environment and the things they can do to protect it.

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