World Fair Trade Day 2022: Theme, History, Significance and all you need to know

Every year on the second Saturday of May, the world celebrates World Fair Trade Day. The day aims to celebrate contribution to the fight against poverty, exploitation and climate change. The day aims to work towards sustainable development and fair trade practices.

This year, World Fair Trade Day will take place on 14 May. It celebrates fair trade and encourages the public, where possible, to choose fair trade goods, thus becoming fair and ethical consumers.

Many events are taking place to celebrate this occasion on World Fair Trade Day. These include photography contests, meetings and conferences.

World Fair Trade Day: Theme

The theme of World Fair Trade Day 2022 is “Climate Justice #LetsDoItFair”.

World Fair Trade Day: History

The World Fair Trade Day initiative began in 2004 under the auspices of the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO), uniting citizens, fair trade organizations, environmental movements, producers and consumers around the planet. The World Fair Trade Organization, formerly known as the International Federation of Alternative Traders, was created in 1989 and is a global association of 324 organizations in more than 70 countries.

Every year on the second Saturday of May, the World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) and World Fair Trade Day celebrate fair trade as a tangible contribution to the fight against poverty and exploitation, climate change and the economic crisis, which has a huge impact. Is. Weakest people in the world.

World Fair Trade Day: Significance

Fair trade is becoming essential in today’s world, and so is the inequality within trade. Presently, thousands of people are working in adverse conditions and are being paid poorly. The global crisis reaffirms the need for a fair and sustainable economy, both locally and globally. Business can help the most vulnerable and provide sustainable livelihoods by expanding opportunities for small and disadvantaged producers.

Therefore, fair trade businesses strive to improve working and living conditions for their employees and communities by paying fair wages to workers. Millions of producers and traders, corporations and policy makers, aid organizations and volunteers have contributed to the significant global expansion of Fair Trade.

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