World Food Day 2022: History, Theme and Significance of the occasion and how you can participate

Image Source: Freepik World Food Day 2022: Know everything about the occasion

World Food Day 2022: October 16 is celebrated as World Food Day around the world. This opportunity has been put up to highlight the millions of people around the world who cannot afford a healthy diet and need regular access to nutritious food. With the added burden of the COVID-19 pandemic this year, global food security has taken a hit. The day is led by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Conflict, climate change, rising prices and international tensions also lead to food insecurity and World Food Day takes up the challenge of making nutritious food accessible to all.

World Food Day 2022: History of the occasion

The day was established in 1945 to mark the anniversary of the FAO. The former Hungarian Minister of Agriculture and Food Dr. Pal Romani proposed World Food Day in November 1979. Since then, World Food Day is celebrated in more than 150 countries around the world. Its aim is to grow around food and ensure that affordable and nutritious food is available to all.

World Food Day 2022: This year’s theme

The theme of World Food Day 2002 is ‘Leave no one behind’. 2022 gives us an ongoing pandemic, conflict, an environment that will not stop warming, rising prices and international tensions. This is affecting global food security. We need to create a sustainable world where everyone, everywhere has regular access to adequate nutritious food. No one should be left behind.

World Food Day 2022: Significance of the occasion

The purpose of this occasion is multifaceted.

– Building a more sustainable world with good food for all.

As a global community, each of us has a role to play in bringing those left behind by making our agricultural food systems more inclusive and sustainable.

Promote worldwide awareness and action for people suffering from hunger and the need to ensure a healthy diet for all.

Several awareness initiatives are also organized to educate people about malnutrition and obesity, both of which lead to major health consequences.

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How can you be a part of World Food Day 2022?

By making sure that no one around you goes without proper and nutritious food, there is a way you can stave off hunger and participate in World Food Day. Students and community members can participate in various programs and educate people about food and nutrition.

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