World Food Safety Day 2022: History and significance of the occasion and this year’s theme


Food Safety Day was first observed by the United Nations in 2018

World Food Safety Day 2022: Food is the most important aspect of the life of all living beings. It’s a common saying, “We are what we eat,” and on June 7, the world is celebrating Food Safety Day. The occasion is an annual celebration to draw attention and inspire action to help prevent, detect and manage foodborne risks and improve human health.

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History of World Food Safety Day

The United Nations established World Food Safety Day in 2018 to raise awareness about food security. Year after year we see an increasing number of initiatives helping to raise public awareness of food security, which according to the World Health Organization is a major achievement.

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Importance of World Food Safety Day

Foodborne illnesses range from mild to very severe and can even result in death. From a social perspective, they contribute to absenteeism from school and work and reduce productivity. Everyone has a role – whether you grow, process, transport, store, sell, buy, prepare or serve food – food security is in your hands. Only when food is safe can we fully benefit from its nutritional value and the mental and social benefits of sharing safe food. Safe food is one of the most important guarantors of good health.

Theme of World Food Safety Day 2022

The theme of World Food Safety Day 2022 is ‘Safe Food, Better Health’. The theme was announced by the World Health Organization (WHO.