World Heart Day 2022: Top foods for a healthy heart

World Heart Day 2022: Looking at the reports of cardiac arrest deaths in the last few months, it can be said that taking proper care of one’s health has become a matter of concern. Such is the effect of indulging in an unhealthy lifestyle that we have forgotten to ensure a good heart health. We are hardly thinking of a fit body, far from maintaining a nutritious diet.

It needs to be noted that healthy eating habits make a significant contribution and have a great impact on heart health. But still we eat such junk which badly affects our health. Food prepared using excess oil increases the chances of getting obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol which ultimately increases the risk of developing heart problems.

That is why the World Heart Federation established World Heart Day, which is celebrated every year on 29 September across the world. On this occasion, let’s take a look at the foods that can be included in our diet as the first line of defense against the poor. Health Conditions.


Oatmeal is the best breakfast to start your day. A large bowl of fiber-rich oatmeal lowers your risk of heart disease and also helps lower your LDL (bad) cholesterol. The benefits of oatmeal are endless. So if you want a healthy heart then start consuming rolled or steel-cut oats for breakfast or in breakfast.


Avocado is popularly referred to as a “fruit with healthy fats”. Needless to mention, it is a good source of fiber. For those unaware, avocados contain about 20 vitamins, minerals and healthy plant compounds that are enough to explain how beneficial it is to the human heart. According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, avocado may reduce the risk of heart disease.

green vegetables

Various studies have suggested that the risk of heart disease can be reduced by 16% if you are consuming the right amount of leafy green vegetables. These vegetables contain a lot of vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. What’s more, they also contain a lot of nitrates that help dilate blood vessels so that oxygen-rich blood can flow to your heart. The dietary nitrates present in it may be directly linked to lower blood pressure, reduced arterial stiffness and increased cell function.

dark chocolate

Well, it might steal your attention. Many of you are fond of chocolate and thus, it will be easy for you to consume dark chocolate. While many people claim that excessive consumption of chocolate can have bad health effects, it can be said that dark chocolate has more benefits than harms. This is because it is rich in antioxidants like flavonoids. Studies have suggested that dark chocolate may be linked to a lower risk of developing coronary heart disease.


If you have a sweet tooth and love to eat berries, then this is the right time to start consuming strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries as a source of good heart health. It contains important nutrients that are rich in antioxidants like anthocyanins. One of the primary benefits is that it prevents oxidative stress and inflammation. Keep in mind, these are the factors that contribute to the development of heart diseases.

Try to have a careful diet instead of eating unhealthy foods that can increase your chances of developing heart disease.