World Hindi Day 2022: The world to find out

2022 World Hindi Day: First World Hindi 10 January 1975

New Delhi:

World Hindi Day 2022: World Hindi Diwas 2022 is happy in every season. With the help of World Hindi Day, a worldwide change is taking place in the broadcast of Hindi. ️ LANGUAGE️ LANGUAGE Environment ‘world day’ 10.

this also further

Interesting information from World Hindi Day –

1. Former Prime Minister Dr. Man Singh had announced for the broadcast of Hindi till May 10, 2006.

2. To start once again in Hindi language in the world and in international language.

3. The language made in India is Hindi.

4. The first world was settled on 10 January 1975. That’s why this kind of situation will remain in the world on this day.

well wisher congratulated

world hindi day (World Hindi Day 2022) are potentially dangerous. Yogi Adityanath of Uttar Pradesh posted a tweet on Uttar Pradesh and wrote that along with all the states are also involved in the heart of ‘World Hindi Day’. Major national in the title of world identity is a tag. It finds unity in diversity.

Shivraj Singh Chouhan of central Madhya Pradesh wrote that my language is grace, the origin of all grace. Without my own language-knowledge, Mittinat na hi cole.-Bhartendu Harishchandra. Use mother tongue and use it with pride. in our honor. Love the language, sometimes it can be dangerous. #world_hindi_day
