World Mosquito Day 2023: History, Types, Diseases, and Control – News18

Published By: Nibandh Vinod

Last Updated: August 20, 2023, 06:00 IST

World Mosquito Day is celebrated with the objective to raise consciousness about the causes of Malaria. (Image: Shutterstock)

World Mosquito Day aims to raise consciousness about the causes of malaria and its prevention.

WORLD MOSQUITO DAY 2023: World Mosquitos Day is celebrated on August 20 to commemorate Sir Ronald Ross for discovering the connection between mosquitoes and the transference of Malaria in 1897. The objective of the day is to raise consciousness about the causes of malaria and its prevention. Ross discovered that it is the female mosquito that spreads Malaria among humans. The London School of Hygiene and tropical medicine since the year 1939, has been conducting an event to pay tribute to British doctor’s work. Besides keeping people aware, the initiative creates awareness about malaria’s causes and how it can be prevented.

Types of mosquitos

  1. Asian Tiger mosquitoes
    Also known as Aedes albopictus, the mosquito belongs to the tropical and subtropical areas of Southeast Asia. The mosquito has spread to several countries due to the transportation of goods and people. The mosquito is the primary vector of Chikungunya, a virus alike Dengue fever. It also transmits diseases including Dengue, West Nile Virus, and Eastern Equine Encephalitis.
  2. Yellow fever mosquito
    Also known as Aedes aegypti, it is a mosquito that can spread yellow fever viruses, Zika fever, Mayaro Chikungunya and Zika fever. It can be recognized by black and white markings on its legs.
  3. Marsh mosquito
    It was named by J. W. Meigen in 1818 as Anopheles or Marsh Mosquitoes. Few species of mosquito can transmit parasites of the genus Plasmodium, which is the reason behind malaria in humans in endemic areas.
  4. Culex
    It is one of the vectors for more than one important disease in humans, birds, and other animals.
  5. Common House Mosquitos
    Also known as Culex pipiens, they are the most common mosquitoes. It is known as the northern house mosquito as it is commonly found in the northern region of the US.
  6. Aedes
    Aedes is a genus of mosquitoes found in the tropical, subtropical zone and in continents except Antarctica. Its bite can cause Yellow fever, Chikungunya, Zike, West Nile, and Dengue.
  7. Culex Trasalis
    It is known as the Western encephalitis mosquito. It is widespread in clear water (agricultural areas, untended swimming pools, creeks etc. It generally bites in the night and is responsible for one or more important diseases.
  8. Aedes Vexans
    It is the most common mosquito in Europe. Its multiplies in flood water. It is responsible for infecting people with dangerous diseases like Dirofilaria Immitis (dog heartworm), myxomatosis (a deadly rabbit viral disease), and Tahyna virus, a seldom-diagnosed Bunyaviridae virus.
  9. Aedes triseriatus
    It is a known vector of chikungunya virus, dengue virus and dirofilariasis. It is also known as the eastern tree hole mosquito as it bites in the day and lays eggs in small containers where water is accumulated.

Ways to control mosquitoes

  1. Discard standing water in your home
    Mosquitoes can breed in a gutter, old flower pot, or bird bath. Keeping mosquito-eating fishes like minnows, mosquito fish and guppies can eliminate mosquitoes. Treating waterfall of fountain water with Bacillus thuringiensis. The bacteria eliminate mosquito larvae but cause no harm to plants, pets, people.
  2. Wear light-coloured clothes, especially outdoors
    Avoid wearing dark-coloured clothes outside as it attracts mosquitoes. Wearing thicker clothing loose fits clothes can offer more protection.
  3. Use mosquito repellant
    Wearing mosquito repellant containing 30 per cent of DEET can provide protection from mosquito bites. You can also apply picaridin, IR3535, and oil of lemon eucalyptus to stay protected.