World Ozone Day 2022: Quotes, Slogans, Significance, Topics and Interesting Facts

Image Source: Freepik world ozone day 2022

world ozone day 2022 The International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer is observed every year on 16 September. Ozone is a protective layer in Earth’s atmosphere that absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation that reaches Earth from the Sun. It is at an altitude of about 10 km (6.2 mi) that has a high concentration of ozone. The day is observed to spread awareness about effective methods in protecting the ozone layer. In December 1994, the United Nations General Assembly designated 16 September as the International Day for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, in 1987 representatives of 24 countries met in Montreal, Canada to discuss the alarming situation with ozone layer depletion .

World Ozone Day 2022: Theme

The theme of World Ozone Day 2022 is ‘Global cooperation to protect life on Earth’.

World Ozone Day 2022: History and Significance

World Ozone Day was first observed in the year 1995. The day is celebrated to create awareness about the importance of the ozone layer. Sunlight creates life, but the ozone layer creates life as we know it today. When scientists working in the late 1970s discovered that humanity was piercing this protective shield, they expressed their concern. In 1985 the governments of the world adopted the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and decided to save the ozone layer. Like the Montreal Protocol to the Convention, governments, scientists and industry worked together to cut 99 percent of all ozone-depleting substances.

World Ozone Day held on 16 September commemorates this achievement. It shows that decisions and actions taken together are the only way to solve major global crises guided by science.

World Ozone Day 2022: Slogans and Quotes

  1. Ozone is like the “mother” of the earth…protecting her baby from harmful radiations. Our mother world ozone day
  2. Life ends when ozone is destroyed… so save ozone to save life.
  3. Ozone protects the Earth from the Sun, just as an umbrella protects us from rain.
  4. Reduce ozone depletion, otherwise you will be in the red zone.
  5. Don’t let the future fly in smoke. save ozone. Save ozone, save a life (God bless you). World Ozone Day.
  6. You don’t have to be a mayor to help protect the ozone layer.
  7. The only thing that prevents the Earth from frying is the ozone layer. Protect it and protect yourself. world ozone day
  8. Let’s take a pledge to protect the ozone layer and save life on earth on this World Ozone Day!
  9. Go green, go genius, stamp carbon, stand tall, and stitch up the ozone layer.

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