World Parkinson’s Day 2023: Can Parkinson’s disease be prevented? Check out the symptoms, causes and treatment

Every year on 11 April, World Parkinson’s Day is observed to mark the birth anniversary of Dr James Parkinson, who was the first person to recognize Parkinson’s as a medical condition. He also published an article ‘An Essay on the Shaking Palsy’ in 1817. The World Health Organization describes Parkinson’s disease as “a degenerative condition of the brain characterized by motor symptoms (slowness, tremor, rigidity and imbalance) and other complications. Cognitive impairment, mental health disorders, sleep disorders, and pain and sensory disturbances.” ” The World Health Organization states that global estimates in 2019 showed more than 8.5 million individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) worldwide.

On World Parkinson’s Day 2023, Dr Sanjay Pandey, Head, Department of Neurology, Amrita Hospital, Faridabad talks about PD, its symptoms, causes and much more.

World Parkinson’s Day 2023: Parkinson’s disease and symptoms

Dr. Sanjay Pandey shared that Parkinson’s disease is a combination of symptoms where patients suffer from slow body movements, tremors, stiffness, and a tendency to fall on one side or the other. Patients experience difficulty in performing daily activities such as getting up from a chair, writing or cooking.

Early symptoms of PD, says Dr. Pandey, include:

  • slowing of body movements
  • rest tremor
  • stiffness

As the disease progresses to its final stages, patients may experience:

  • falls
  • solidify
  • speech problems
  • difficulty turning and walking
  • memory problems

Talking about the age of onset of PD, the doctor says, “Parkinson’s disease tends to affect between the ages of 50 and 60 – during the 6th decade of life. Occasionally, it may appear before the age of 50. affects people, and we call it a disease. Early-onset Parkinson’s disease.”

Is Parkinson’s Linked to Diet?

Dr. Pandey says that recent data suggests that Parkinson’s disease is linked to diet. It can start in the stomach. “Dairy products consumption is also linked to the disease. There is no clear evidence. The data are conflicting,” says Dr. Pandey.

World Parkinson’s Day 2023: Can Parkinson’s disease be prevented?

Dr Pandey listed some important points:

1. PD may be delayed if the person is active and does active and regular motor activity. It cannot be stopped.

2. The onset of the disease can be delayed if we maintain a good lifestyle by doing activities like physical exercise.

3. Medicines used for gastroenteritis and psychiatric conditions can cause Parkinson’s disease.

4. Many patients take medicines for gastroenteritis, anxiety and depression. Later on, they may develop Parkinson’s disease. Drug-induced Parkinson’s disease is very common and can be prevented if the patient is not taking these drugs.

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World Parkinson’s Day 2023: Treatment of Parkinson’s disease

There are surgical and medical treatments for Parkinson’s disease. Medical treatment is the first line of treatment, and most patients respond to the first line of treatment, says Dr. Pandey, “Carbidopa-levodopa is used to treat the disease. Other treatments are also available. Decided by the medical practitioner. Sometimes, even after years of medical treatment, patients do not respond. In that case, surgical treatment can be considered. Procedures such as deep brain stimulation are effective.”

management of parkinson’s disease

In today’s times when a large number of older people have to fend for themselves, providing care becomes a challenge. So can people living alone manage this disease on their own? Dr Pandey says, “If the patient can take medicines on time and follow the doctor’s advice, they can manage their symptoms. But if the disease is in an advanced stage and the patient is in a wheel-chair bound state or cannot move around, it will be challenging to manage independently.”