World Porridge Day 2023: Porridge – The Superfood for All Ages  – News18

Porridge, a simple yet versatile dish, is a true superfood that bridges generations and cultures. It has a long and rich history, dating back thousands of years and has been a staple food of many cultures around the world. For many people, porridge is more than just a food; it is a symbol of family, tradition, and home. It is often associated with childhood memories of warm bowls of porridge on cold winter mornings. When it comes to breakfast, porridge is the undisputed champion – and guess what? It’s time to celebrate this nutritional powerhouse on World Porridge Day, which falls on October 10 each year.

Various grains can be used to make porridge, whereas the most commonly used one is Oats. It is an uncomplicated and excellent choice for porridge, making it a powerhouse of nutrition. “Being high in fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates, makes it a great choice for breakfast or any meal of the day. Oats are also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including B- Vitamins magnesium, and iron. Porridge is a great way to start your day with something that is not just healthy but also keeps you satisfied for long hours. It is also a good option for people who are trying to lose weight or manage their blood sugar levels,” says Chef Kunal Kapur.

But the real magic of porridge is in its versatility. You can whip up a porridge that suits every taste bud and meets the nutritional needs of everyone, from infants to the elderly.  Chef Kunal Kapur shares recipes for porridge shares recipes for each age group:

Infants and Toddlers: For babies transitioning to solid foods, porridge can be a gentle introduction, as it is easy to digest. As children grow, porridge can be flavored with fruits, nuts, and seeds to provide essential nutrients for their development.

Oats Banana Porridge


● ½  cup of Saffola Plain Oats

● ½ Banana

● 200ml of milk

● 2 spoons of source-based honey


● Combine oats and banana, smash well until its texture is smooth and creamy.

● Add source-based honey for the taste.

Children and Teens: Porridge is an excellent breakfast option for school-going kids. It keeps them full and energized, enhancing their focus and performance. Adding honey, cinnamon, or nut butter can make it more appealing for picky eaters.

Chocolate Porridge


● 1 cup of Saffola Plain Oats

● 450ml milk

● 1 spoon of cocoa powder

● 1 spoon of maple syrup & a handful of Blueberry


● Put 90g oats into a saucepan with 450ml of milk and stir gently over a medium heat, until turned creamy.

● Top up with a little of cocoa powder and mix well.

● Divide into bowls and top each with a handful of blueberries and a tsp of honey or maple syrup.

Adults: Adults can benefit from porridge as a nutritious breakfast or a healthy snack. It helps maintain steady blood sugar levels, reducing cravings for unhealthy snacks throughout the day. Adding protein sources like Greek yogurt, chia seeds, or nuts can make it a complete meal.

Mixed Fruit Porridge Bowl


● 100g frozen raspberries

● 1/4th  cup of Saffola Plain Oats

● 100ml milk

● ½ banana, sliced

● 2 tbsp smooth peanut butter

● 1 tbsp chia seeds


● Tip half the raspberries and all of the orange juice in a pan. Simmer until the raspberries soften, about 5 mins

● Meanwhile stir the oats, milk and 450ml water in a pan over a low heat until creamy. Top with the raspberry compote, remaining raspberries, banana, peanut butter, and chia seeds

Elderly: For seniors, porridge is a soft and easily digestible option. It provides essential nutrients to support aging bodies and may even help manage conditions like high blood pressure and cholesterol.


● ½  cup of Saffola Plain Oats

● Almonds (optional) – 5-10, soaked overnight and peeled

● Banana – 1, ripe, chopped

● Flaxseeds – 1 teaspoon

● 200ml Toned milk


● Just add oats and milk in a pan and cook it on a medium flame until the oats become soft and creamy

● Leave it for 2-3 minutes and mix all the toppings in a bowl and its ready to eat

On World Porridge Day, let’s celebrate the timeless appeal and nutritional benefits of this versatile dish. Whether you’re young or old, a fitness enthusiast or someone seeking comfort, porridge has something to offer. So, grab a bowl of porridge, customize it to your liking, and savour the goodness that this superfood has to offer.