World Sleep Day 2023: 5 Foods You Should Avoid For Dinner To Ensure Good Sleep – Check Out The Complete List

World Sleep Day is observed every year on the third Friday of March and this year, it falls on March 17. The day is an initiative of the World Sleep Society, a non-profit organization that aims to promote awareness of sleep health around the world. Saloni Jhaveri, In-House Nutritionist, Conscious Food, shares with us, “Every year, World Sleep Day is celebrated to increase understanding of the importance of sleep and its effects on a person’s overall health and well-being. Restful Night’s Sleep This includes being mindful of your food choices before going to bed.”

World Sleep Day: Say no to these foods at night

Certain foods, if consumed before hitting the sack, can lead to bloating, restlessness and insomnia, affecting the quality and quantity of sleep. Here are some foods and types of foods that people should avoid before going to sleep. Saloni Jhaveri gives us a list of food that we should stay away from before sleeping:

1. Caffeine: Caffeine is a stimulant that can promote wakefulness, and it takes about six hours for caffeine to be eliminated from the body. Hence, it is advised to avoid consuming coffee, tea, energy drinks or any other caffeinated beverages before sleeping.

2. alcohol: Although alcohol can induce drowsiness, it can disrupt sleep and cause frequent awakenings during the night. It is best to avoid alcohol before bedtime or limit its consumption to one or two drinks earlier in the evening.

3. Spicy and Fatty Foods: These foods can cause heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux, making it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.

4. Sweet Food: Sugar can raise blood sugar levels and cause insomnia. Hence, it is advised to stay away from these types of foods before sleeping.

5. High Protein Foods: They can also be challenging to digest and can cause discomfort, which leads to sleep disturbances. Therefore, it is better to avoid high fat and high protein foods before sleeping.

Also Read: Best Foods For People With High Blood Pressure To Prevent Kidney Problems – Check Out The Complete List

World Sleep Day: Dinner advice – Eat early, eat light

The timing of meals and the type of food are important. As Jhaveri points out, eating a heavy meal before bedtime can lead to discomfort and indigestion. “Therefore, it is better to have your main meal earlier in the evening and avoid large and heavy meals before going to bed,” she says. Jhaveri adds that to get a good night’s sleep, it’s recommended to eat light and healthy snacks, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain crackers, that won’t disrupt your sleep. Always remember, what you eat before sleeping can have a great impact on the quality of your sleep.