World Space Week 2021: Theme, History, Significance

World Space Week is dedicated to the celebration of scientific and technological advances that have contributed to the betterment of our lives. The theme of World Space Week 2021 has been chosen as ‘Women in Space’. The theme of 2020 was ‘Satellites to Improve Life’.

World Space Week: History

World Space Week is a United Nations-declared celebration of space (since 1999) and is considered the largest space event on Earth. The dates for this grand initiative were interestingly chosen to honor two very important occasions in history:

1. In 1957, Sputnik, a man-made earth satellite, was launched on 4 October for space exploration.

2. In 1967, an agreement was signed on 4 October. It was called the Treaty on the Principles governing the activities of states in the exploration and peaceful use of outer space, including the Moon and other celestial bodies.

Every year, thousands of people from all over the world take part in the festive celebrations. In 2020, around 6,500 events were organized in more than 60 countries to celebrate World Space Week. This year 90 countries will participate in this festival.

World Space Week: Significance

Scientific study, research and technological advances have helped in making our lives so much better. Life has been benefited in more than one way—be it in terms of communications, the Internet, satellites, space stations, weather forecasting and the list goes on, if one tries to list the contributions and results of space research. .

World Space Week aims to acknowledge the great achievements of thousands of people in the space sector and how their achievements have catalyzed the economic and overall development of our world.

During the celebration period of World Space Week various space agencies, schools, planetariums, museums, aerospace organizations and astronomy clubs organize space education, webinars and outreach programs to promote greater use of space for sustainable economic development , let’s discuss the benefits we get. From space, to promote international cooperation in space and to generate enthusiasm among the youth about space exploration.

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