Wrinkle-free Skin To Weight Control, Health Benefits Of Peanuts In Winter – News18

Peanuts are rich in high-quality protein, which supports the growth of muscles.

Peanuts help in keeping the skin wrinkle-free due to being rich in vitamin B3 and niacin. It also keeps all types of skin diseases away.

The winter has finally arrived in India and so is the increase in consumption of peanuts. People prefer to eat these to keep their bodies warm. Apart from regulating the temperature of our body, it also keeps our heart healthy. It is also called a protein bank as it contains all 20 amino acids in variable proportions. It is also the biggest source of protein called arginine.

The renowned nutritionist Lovneet Batra has shared the benefits of peanuts during the winter. She asks people to add peanuts to their diet during winter as they will help them stay healthy. She posted the advantages of peanuts in her later Instagram post. Let us take a look at some of the benefits of peanuts during winter.

Controls Weight

The type of healthy monounsaturated fats in peanuts can stimulate a hormone that helps you feel satisfied immediately after eating peanuts. Due to this, you don’t feel hungry after eating peanuts. It can control your weight. It is also nutritious, hence it is recommended to add peanuts to your diet.

Healthy Skin

Peanuts help in keeping the skin wrinkle-free due to being rich in vitamin B3 and niacin. It also keeps all types of skin diseases away. Apart from this, it also results in the reduction of fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmented spots. In such a situation, it’s important to eat peanuts in limited quantities regularly. Nutritionist Lovneet Batra claims that it will improve the skin. It is also advised to apply peanut oil on the skin during winter to avoid dryness and cracking.

Prompts Muscle Growth

Peanuts are rich in high-quality protein, which supports the growth of muscles in our body. It helps in strengthening muscles. Apart from the growth of muscles, it also promotes recovery after physical activity and improves physical development. Consuming peanuts in limited quantities in winter can keep you healthy.

Prevents Alzheimer’s

Peanut ingredients contain high amounts of niacin, resveratrol and vitamin E. These are effective in protecting against Alzheimer’s and age-related cognitive decline. Hence, it is advised to consume peanuts daily to prevent the problem of loose memory before getting old. Be alert and add peanuts to your diet.